Why my Plants showing yellow leaf Tips?


Well-Known Member
I never dealing with that shit my both plants showing yellow leaf tips what's wrong?

PH is on Point EC is also ok 1,4 i ad litte cal/mag so 1,7 know i feed then litte bit more know I don't think it's a toxic but maybe it is?

Hi mate - I'm not interested in EC/PPM, means nothing to me unless in hydro
What are you feeding and how many ml/L?
Also what are you growing in and at what pH are you saying is 'on point'?
Are you using CaMg?
Hi mate - I'm not interested in EC/PPM, means nothing to me unless in hydro
What are you feeding and how many ml/L?
Also what are you growing in and at what pH are you saying is 'on point'?
Are you using CaMg?

Hi, feeding with Canna Coco A&B ml per Liter I don't know because i watch for the EC run off Ec 1,4 using Tap water it has enough Calcium but I add litte cal mag yesterday

I've been dealing with the same issue. with one of my plants this grow, at first I thought light related to close / to far. not that then next thought was nitrogen. not that. then one of the many great growers suggested it might be a lack of K. well I was switching daylight slowly to a12/12 cycle and added some flowering nutrients with an NPK of 5/45/19 and that was on monday-ish and this morning it seem to be getting better. I'm no expert but I've been here for a long time and delt with every possible defishency that can pop up during a grow and with a little help from my friends here it always get worked out. I'll try an post pics but the photo access on my phone is acting up. The fir, well it shure what order they will show up but the one that looks underdeveloped is front 7/19 the others are from this morning



N makes the entire leaf fade. P yellows from the tip with brown edges then patches. K yellows from the tip that turns brown then brown spots. K is used for cell production and vascular healthy so it gets sucked up quick during the stretch. Kelp tea makes a good supplemental K and amino acid boost.
The early stages of P,K, and dehydration all look vary similar. Your options are wait for a late stage leaf to determine the exact problem or eliminate some off the list. If your watering cycles and relative humidity are good you can eliminate water as one. Early flower you have high demand for K. Adding a reasonable boost of K will not hurt any plant and it is one more off the list. That leaves P, which your plant is starting to draw up for flowers. So if the first 2 don't stop the progression you know the problem through elimination. P is last because high levels can block cal, mag and N.
The early stages of P,K, and dehydration all look vary similar. Your options are wait for a late stage leaf to determine the exact problem or eliminate some off the list. If your watering cycles and relative humidity are good you can eliminate water as one. Early flower you have high demand for K. Adding a reasonable boost of K will not hurt any plant and it is one more off the list. That leaves P, which your plant is starting to draw up for flowers. So if the first 2 don't stop the progression you know the problem through elimination. P is last because high levels can block cal, mag and N.
That is good, logical thinking - I like that a lot 👍
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