Why Hello There!


New Member
Hiya!!!! I'm fairly new to the cannabis community. I actually used to be anti-pot. Then I grew up and stopped believing everything mainstream media tells you lol. A few members of my family and I really rely on cannabis for pain relief and for a lot of medical situations. It really is a wonder drug. I look forward to learning more about cannabis and how I can make it work for me! ( I guess my family too, if they behave. :p ):love: I enjoy a bunch of random hobbies, and especially baking. I will be making my first batch of cannabutter soon! Thanks for taking the time to meet me!
Hi zombiecupcake! Welcome to the best source for sharing cannabis information to end prohibition :420: :welcome:

What prompted your change of heart? Did you read something or did you just decide to try it out for yourself?

Thank you for asking and replying! Its a long story but I'll do my best to shorten it.

When I was around 13, I walked in on my dad rolling a joint. Being the amazing D.A.R.E graduate I was-it devastated me. I was told how horrible, and dangerous drugs were...and theres my father, rolling a joint to get high!? I held grudge for a long time. Then as I grew up, I realized that he smoked for his pain. Vicodin, morphine, all those drugs made him sick, and pot really was the only thing that got him through the day. I was wrong, and I have apologized to him up and down. I judged him unfairly, not knowing all the facts.

My own adventures started when MY pain level got to be too much to handle. I have scoliosis, spinal stenosis, and really the list goes on (woohooo genetics!) I was sick and tired of how all the pain pills made me feel. The depression meds werent helping at all either. My hubs suggested I try cannabis, after a while of me putting up a fight, I just couldnt anymore. So, I dove in head first to all the medical research I could find. I was so very wrong about just about everything. It has now become a passion for me. I want to learn as much as possible, and enlighten those who were duped into believing lies and miss-information about this plant. :circle-of-love:

It has helped my life SO MUCH these past 6 months or so. :cheer:
It seems clear to me that the people who take it upon themselves to "educate" young minds about cannabis in fact know nothing at all about it, since if they did they would never get so worked up to begin with. This is probably true of a lot of other stuff too but so unfortunate when it comes to such a beneficial herb as cannabis.

Hello zombiecupcake(Unusual name but I like it) I liked reading your story very much thanks for sharing. Its wonderful you want to learn all you can now after being mislead. I too graduated from d.a.r.e but never put much stake into it. Even the pledge card you sign to stay off drugs its such a fraud. Well you picked a wonderful site to absorb information from. Im glad your hubby wanted you to try cannabis for pain relief instead of those awful pills. I actually puke if I take more then half a vicodin for pain and anti depression pills often cause the depression(ironic how that works) Glad to have you aboard enjoy your stay and if you need help please feel free to ask me or pretty much any of the members here are willing to help and thats what makes this the best site for cannabis on the net. No judgement just help.
Hi Zombie, welcome to :420:!!

wow thats great that you woke up :) its a plant though not a drug (thats the remaining properganda in your head talking :) )

i hope that you choose some nice high cbd strains, i personally have only just decided that the next grow i do will be only medicinal strans :)
i suggest to learn some yoga and try find free massages for your pains, yet another alternative to the pharmacutical mafia pills is chinese medicine :)
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