Why don't they work for me


Well-Known Member
When I was growing weed years ago I tried making edibles from kief and weed it never worked. I have not smoked in years but since weed is legal to grow where I am, I thought I'd give it a go again. I have a stx activation 420 unit to decarboxylate with. No matter what I tried to make, never worked - be it budder, a tincture, etc. I used what were supposed to be potent recipes - yet nothing. I knew what was going in but got nothing out despite trying faster absorption methods, higher doses etc. Even commercial edibles my brother gave me (chocolate and gummys) which were supposed to be potent didn't work. worked for them...not me. Despite uppping the keif for single doses to 4-5 times the level often quoted in recipes - nothing. Am I just unlucky and have a bad metabolism for it to work....out of ideas. I typically used keif as I had the tase of weed and hoped it would tone the taste down. It did....still tasted weedy tho...ugh

Have you considered using cured bud instead of kief?

I use about 20g of cured bud in 200g of butter in a Pyrex dish in the oven for 90mins and use it for banana bread, flavoured with cinnamon and ginger the weedy taste is very subtle
yep, the kief came off of cured bud :(. I have never made large batches, all have been small 1-2 person batches.
Perhaps a sky high tolerance? Do you smoke a lot?

Get an oven thermometer, you can't trust the dial on your stove, it could be way off... Next, try using high quality bud and make your self some firecrackers.. Set your oven temp (with thermometer) to 240 and decarb your ground weed on parchment paper for 30-45 mins. (depending on the moistness of your flower)

After decarb (it should be slightly brown and dry by this time), take two graham crackers and make a peanut butter sandwich (oily peanut better works best). Add your dried cannabis to the peanut butter and stir well with a toothpick. Wrap the sandwich in foil and bake at 325 for 30 mins..

You did mention that you've tried commercial edibles and they didn't work (but did for your friends). This I cant answer for, but I know many complain that commercial edibles can be weak...

Next, remember its a very different high than smoking and it takes a while to set in. 1-2 hours ! I believe the peak is at hour 3 but I could be off.

In short, I'd make a very potent firecracker with good weed as a test, really simple and hard to mess up...
Perhaps a sky high tolerance? Do you smoke a lot?

Get an oven thermometer, you can't trust the dial on your stove, it could be way off... Next, try using high quality bud and make your self some firecrackers.. Set your oven temp (with thermometer) to 240 and decarb your ground weed on parchment paper for 30-45 mins. (depending on the moistness of your flower)

After decarb (it should be slightly brown and dry by this time), take two graham crackers and make a peanut butter sandwich (oily peanut better works best). Add your dried cannabis to the peanut butter and stir well with a toothpick. Wrap the sandwich in foil and bake at 325 for 30 mins..

You did mention that you've tried commercial edibles and they didn't work (but did for your friends). This I cant answer for, but I know many complain that commercial edibles can be weak...

Next, remember its a very different high than smoking and it takes a while to set in. 1-2 hours ! I believe the peak is at hour 3 but I could be off.

In short, I'd make a very potent firecracker with good weed as a test, really simple and hard to mess up...
thanks for your response, but i used a stx decarboxylation machine (have also tried stove method) and zilch. As far as the weed I did use high quality bud or mostly the keif from it (that's all i grew). I wasn't smoking a lot at the time (I don't smoke at all now). just never had any luck but I'm not giving up and will try your suggestion once I harvest some bud again
When I was growing weed years ago I tried making edibles from kief and weed it never worked. I have not smoked in years but since weed is legal to grow where I am, I thought I'd give it a go again. I have a stx activation 420 unit to decarboxylate with. No matter what I tried to make, never worked - be it budder, a tincture, etc. I used what were supposed to be potent recipes - yet nothing. I knew what was going in but got nothing out despite trying faster absorption methods, higher doses etc. Even commercial edibles my brother gave me (chocolate and gummys) which were supposed to be potent didn't work. worked for them...not me. Despite uppping the keif for single doses to 4-5 times the level often quoted in recipes - nothing. Am I just unlucky and have a bad metabolism for it to work....out of ideas. I typically used keif as I had the tase of weed and hoped it would tone the taste down. It did....still tasted weedy tho...ugh

I have the same problem. I was told to try taking a digestive supplement called Lipase. You can look into it. I have some coming Friday from Amazon, so I'll check back in and let you know if it helped any.
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