Why Are They Droopy?


New Member
My first attempt at growing. These plants have been in dirt for 18 days. About 3 days ago some of them started looking like this. I'm assuming this isn't good. Any ideas why they are drooping like this?


1000watt light.
Miracle Grow potting soil
Humbolt Nutes
Hey NACnCO, It's hard to help without some more info. Check out this link. The more info you can give the better. How to Ask for Grow Support :peace:

Thanks General. Here is additional info.

Chernobyl strain
a total of 14 plants
18 day old plants in veg. Grown from seeds
Growing indoors in basement
Soil - Miracle Grow potting mix
Plant in a #2 pot.
Last time a watered I gave them 1qt. I wait to water until they're reasonably dry.
1000 watt Light
Temperature is 67 to 80, usual temp around 77
Humidity is around 25%
The grow room is 12' by 16'

If there is some other info that would be helpful let me know. I'm very new to this and it's all a mystery at this point.
Chernobyl strain

radiation sickness! .... sry...i couldnt control my urge to post.

A bit more humidity and my plants look like that at first light....i dont see a real problem....i think they look nice.
Do you ph your water....do you own a probe...to do this? you water from above or from below? is there a fan blowing directly on your plants? are there plants that dont show this and do you rearrange your pot every day?
how far away is your light from the summit of your plant? in centimeters if you could...?...if you place your hand precisly under your 1000 watt does it burn on your skin? regular seeds or feminized seed?
Above the Floor:
Above the floor starts with a Can Filter 75 attached to a GrowBright Mach 8" Inline Fan. 8" duct connects the aforementioned to three Straight 8 coolable glass tubes with a Sunsoaker Reflector. More 8" duct vents these cooltubes out a window. The grow lights (1000watts) are on a timer. They run 18 hours, from 8am to 2am.

The Cooltube is just over 8 inches (21 cm, give or take) from the closest leaf. It is warmer under the Cooltube than the room temperature. I can touch the glass of the cooltube itself; it isn't too hot. I do have a box fan blowing in the room.

House water is connected to a Hydro Logic Stealth-RO100 Reverse Osmosis System which feeds into a 45 gallon storage tank. I use an HM Digital PH and Temperature Meter to adjust the water (5.5 to 6.5) before adding Humboldt nutrients, following the "Professional Feeding Chart - Soil." schedule. However, I do not use the Sea Cal, (Don't ask me why, IDK) I water the plants from above, scooping the leaves up and pouring the nutrient water around the pot on the dirt. These are #2 pots. I give them approximately 1 qt. (1l) of water per watering. I do rotate the plants at least once a day.

These seeds were not acquired from a reliable source. These plants, grown from seeds, were given to me on 12/19/11 in the #2 pots they are in now. I'm waiting for seeds from a reliable source, to arrive. I thought they would be educational for me.

In addition, I just noticed ever so slight spots on the leaves of one of the plants.


Whew, That's about all I know. I'm glad to hear this look isn't unusual. But I'm thinking the spots are not good.
ok the stretched ones could be male look for signs.....if it is regular seed you can expect males.

I use an HM Digital PH and Temperature Meter to adjust the water (5.5 to 6.5) before adding Humboldt nutrients, following the "Professional Feeding Chart - Soil." schedule.

first you make your feed then you check ph!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I like my PH around 6.0 / 6.2.....soil in nepal is 6.0 ......

For the rest keep em growing looking good! :)
first you make your feed then you check ph!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oooohh! See? It's those little details. Thanks. Do you see anything else?
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