I have 15 plants i started flowering 15 days ago. 10 of them are flowering nicely but 5 are not really flowering at all. what gives? they are all from the same mother
are you in soil or dro? if dro perhaps some lines are clogged, use flwrng nutes as well, check for light leaks, 15 days is just the beginning, give some more time. soil is sssllow.
i am growing in soil and i am pretty sure it is light tight. i have another question. When running a carbon filter and exhaust fan. can i connect ducting from my
fan--> to my air cooled light-->to my carbon filter? so the air basicly goes through the filter then past the light then into the fan and out the grow room?
I don't know. I've never used a carbon filter and I'm not sure about the heat hurting the carbon. I'll see if I can get someone who knows more to help you with that one.
Shit!!! I misread your post...yes you can run it that way...I was seeing it as everything running into the filter at the end not the other way around. Sorry....I had a stoned brain fart moment.