Why are Medical users so demeaning towards Recreational users?


New Member
I have noticed a very ugly thing going on in our cannabis community. Patients and patient advocates denouncing recreational users as a nuisance of some sort.

This saddens me very much. You know, before there was any medical marijuana laws, both patients and recreational users were on the same side of the issue. It was the recreational users who made it possible for the medically in need to access their medicine before MMJ laws came about. And we were friends in the same side of the fence. Now, the new medical marijuana laws and the promise of 'legal' access to cannabis have created a divide in the cannabis community between those who use it recreationally and those who use it for its medicinal properties. That is an unfortunate development.

I have read and heard patients and patient 'advocates' speaking in ways so demeaning towards recreational users that it makes me sad and angry at the same time.

Sure, you are sic and you need medicine; and you should have it, period. I will ever argue against that. But would you mind turning down the anti-recreational user rhetoric? Please? The attitude of some patients is that legal cannabis is their right and theirs alone and screw the recreational smokers.

Well, let me tell you something, if it were not for the market demand posed by the recreational users over the years, cannabis would not be as good and as medicinally effective as it is today. Instead of consuming 18% to 20%+ THC levels (which are here thanks to recreational users) you would be stuck with 3% THC shwagg, if it were not for those who risked their lives to better and better this wonderful plant.

Imagine for a moment if on patriots day, someone were to start saying that our freedoms are our right and we owe nothing to those who gave their lives in battle for us to have these freedoms. Pretty distasteful don't you think?

Well, patients owe the high quality of their medicine to recreational users because without them, cannabis would not have reached the level of quality it now holds. Many of those recreational users and growers have had their lives snuffed out by the oppressive laws and the system behind those laws. It is shameful to witness the demeanor of some medical users now acting like legal cannabis is theirs alone and they are the only ones who should have any access/rights over it.

We are all in this together people.
I myself have nothing at all against rec users, I was one for 20 years. Now a Colorado MMJ user due to injuries and getting older, and to be honest I "medicate" for rec only purposes once in awhile to this day. 90% of the time I need it to function but here and there is for the fun of it.

There are a handfull of people I know who were anti marijuana up until they found out that it helps medical conditions. Some see it as a straight up medicine that should not be used for rec purposes. I do not agree with them but that's how it goes. There is a huge difference between real narcotics used for meds (oxy etc..) and rec use and Marijuana as meds or rec use.

I have seen a little of what you are talking about but not to the extent you have said.

I just think that we should be more unified. We are all in this together. Dividing our ranks makes us weaker. Together, we are stronger.

Everyone who wants to should have safe access.. for whatever reason be it medical or otherwise.
This is a huge blanket statement that I don't agree with. FWiW, I'm a card holder, was rec user (unaware I was self-medicating) for 40 years. The thread title as posted felt kinda like a slap in the face. No worries.

Here's my rant for today;
I think any grower that charges black market prices to legit med patients oughtta be beaten over their little, pointy head with a large mj plant.
ok.. my apologies. Offense is certainly not my intention. Much less to legit patients.

Now, as much as I would actually love to be beaten over the head with a ripe ganja plant. (imagine the smell!! ahhhh yesss! more! more! :loopy: ) anyway.. I think honestly I would make the wost pot dealer in history. I love giving shit away. Not to mention when it comes right down to it, I can't see myself ever even charging anything to a legit patient for meds.

But that is me, that is not to say that I believe others should be forced to do the same. Everyone should have a choice in that matter.

Again, if I offended anyone, my apologies.

(now would be a good time to pass a J)

Thanks for apologizing Seraphim.:welldone: It was hard not to get offended by what you said. I'm a MM user and while I understand your frustration, I am no less frustrated because I hold a State MM card. I don't feel any more secure growing or possessing because of a State law. Its still a Federal issue. Why the passing of this law means so much to me is that it shows more and more people are listening and learning(cannabis awareness) and realizing that prohibition is wrong. We need to continue spreading cannabis awareness to hopefully get every State to pass the MM law to hopefully put pressure on our Federal government. Just maybe, we will live to see the abolishment of prohibition.:peace:
The OP was a pretty generalized statement altogether and not factual to boot... hard to know how to feel about that! I do know that I was growing 20+ % THC content 30+ years ago... it had nothing to do w/public demand... it was just good weed grown!
I myself have nothing against the reg user/smoker/grower... not anymore than I do MM users who abuse the privs of growing their own meds.
The only thing I have against anyone in this arena is when they come off the hook trying to grow hundreds of pounds... makes growing and possessing a lot stickier than it has to be.

I will say that it sucks that there are those who by merit of a card think they are better or more deserving than others... be careful MM user... you may end up on the other end of the stick... you know... the end w/the shite on it... LOL
You know, maybe I worded it wrong. I do that sometimes. In hindsight, I realize it was a blanket statement and I sincerely apologize. I came off way wrong there and I deserve some adjusting.

I hope we see the day when freedom materializes for all of us medical or not.

For the record, if you are a someone with a legitimate medical need.. I would take the bowl out of my mouth (without hitting it) and let you have it all to your head.

Love you all.
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