Why 600w Metal Halide "Conversion" Bulbs?


New Member
Anyone know the logic or reasoning behind the fact that to get 600w in a metal halide, it's a conversion bulb???

Are the any pluses or minuses?

They are just special bulbs than you can use with a hps ballast. MH and hps use different ignitors and capacitors. The mh bulbs supply more blue spectrum lighting which works great for vegging. So you can use the same ballast with either flowering or vegging. They laso have special bulbs that are both hps and mh to allow for some extra blue during flowering.
I run a conversion ballast it will run HD and HPS all you do is change the bulb hit the switch to what bulb you are using and away you go......I love it works great. mine is a 1000 watt.:grinjoint:

p.s. you use regular grow bulbs with this kind of ballast
i use lumetek digi ballasts, so the ballast is not an issue. just wondering about the reasoning that there are 400w and 1000w MH but 600w's are listed as conversion.
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