White/Yellow Edged Leaves


New Member
Thought it would go away with the new set of leaves, but its still there.

Think shes just nute deprived?? Only watered with plain PH balanced water, & last time added a few drops of H202.

Any suggestions much appreciated. My other 3 are on deaths door & Im to embarrased to even show pics, probably dead, but they still have some flex to the leaves, as if they're not COMPLETELY dried out & dead yet =/

If someone think they have a strong enough stomach to see what my others look like I'd love to get some feedback, even if you tell me to do the humane thing and finish em off.

If you're growing in soil... Seedlings only need water for the first 2 to 3 weeks? What kind of soil are you in? What is your water source? Why the hell did you add H202?
I'm on week 3.

Soil is


For now, till I can get my hands on FFOF.

Water source is PH balanced from my Petshop.

H202 was because of my other plants are dying, and believe to be root rot, trying to save them.
Thats whats goin on currently..

You think that one is bad, youd KILL ME, if you saw my other 3 =( :sorry:

this should be ok for now. as time progresses you might want to think about another exhaust fan.
keep er updated its always nice to see how things turn out.
I have two fans pulling air through the cab, the one you see on the left, and another one roughly 1' -> 20" above that one.

Now the one survivor is pulling through the real white leaves, but her new tips are still yellowing, nitro deficiency I believe. Whats that require fish fert??

Thanks for the feedback
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