White corrosion on newly formed leaves


New Member
Hello guys,
I've got 5 Dinafem Moby Dicks here, a month into veg, pH is 6.3 - 6.8 in pre mixed soil, using the same setup as my previous grows except that I have added Cal-Mg. Humidity is always less than 40%. Temp is 73-77 with a small fan blowing a gentle breeze. LED, 12 inches away from the canopy. But I got this white corrosion type problem on my newly formed leaves. I don't have a ppm meter, but the only thing that I have changed is the addition of Cal-Mg for the past 3 feeds. I had to do it again today and I stopped using it just in case. Please tell me if you identify the problem. I don't want that to give me a failure!
Possibly nute salts from transpiration.
What size led?

"I don't know everything. My opinion is just that. It's up to you to research the information offered by me or anyone else. It's not wise to act on the first opinion you get. "
No, I have 5 pots, leaves not touching each other away from the heat or light stress (I have kept the same LEDs literally 1 inch from the canopy in my previous batch and they grew healthy as hell). It must be the nutes but I don't know what!
I'm using 22 X 12 watt LEDs projected on a 15 sqf area.
Do you mean transpiraton of the salts burned the leaves? I have 5 pots and this has happened to all of them.
What would you have done? A flush?
My plant transpires too. I can show you pics. But. Since I moved my light up and turned the fan to high I haven't had it do it. Basically I think your plant is sweating salt from not having enough air and or light too close. Just my opinion. After six tonight will show you a pic. I could wipe the salt off. But it doesn't bother me. Can you wipe yours off with a wet finger?

"I don't know everything. My opinion is just that. It's up to you to research the information offered by me or anyone else. It's not wise to act on the first opinion you get. "
I'm just telling you nothing ate those parts of the leaf. They were probably damaged from water (whether that means you misted or they transpired). When the light refracts through the droplets it's like a magnifying glass and 'burns plants'. The light intensity gets multiplied in that small area. So what I'm telling you is water burned the YOUNG, new growth, it grew out and that's what the damage grew out to.
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