White corrosion on newly formed leaves


New Member
Hello guys,
I've got 5 Dinafem Moby Dicks here, a month into veg, pH is 6.3 - 6.8 in pre mixed soil, using the same setup as my previous grows except that I have added Cal-Mg. Humidity is always less than 40%. Temp is 73-77 with a small fan blowing a gentle breeze. LED, 12 inches away from the canopy. But I got this white corrosion type problem on my newly formed leaves. I don't have a ppm meter, but the only thing that I have changed is the addition of Cal-Mg for the past 3 feeds. I had to do it again today and I stopped using it just in case. Please tell me if you identify the problem. I don't want that to give me a failure!
At first thought one would think a nutrient deficiency but as you have added cal - mg which is a common def with leds for some reason i'd more likely rule that out.

The 2nd thought is perhaps your led panel is to close as to cause light bleaching of the leafs... at best only early stage.

Ye i'll guess we'll see who else chimes in to get a broader picture of the problem :thumb:
Are your leaves crispy/too dry?. As you don't have a ppm meter I would first correct the things you know to be not ideal and then while you wait for the ppm meter to arrive to continue to rule out causes. First thing to do is raise the RH by adding wet towels etc. Hang your temp sensor next to the damaged leaves to check on heat from your LED. I'm no pro so that would be the simple stuff out of the way. I'm sure someone will be along soon. Good luck buddy

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