Which is better for make brownies?

big secret with brownies and cookies is to bake low and slow...

keep the temps below 300 and bake longer for stronger effects. Too much higher than 300 and you bake away l ot of yer goodness
How concerned are you with health? If you are at risk then use olive oil for making your "green Oil" If you dont worry then use butter. Both taste very good. NO hydrogenated stuff.
Hey, every little bit helps you know, you wont be young with a fine body forever.
How concerned are you with health? If you are at risk then use olive oil for making your "green Oil" If you dont worry then use butter. Both taste very good. NO hydrogenated stuff.
Hey, every little bit helps you know, you wont be young with a fine body forever.

thanks a lot man and everyone else
I like to use "ghee", or Indian clarified butter. Works great, you don't get the milk fat solids and it gets along great with my trimmings. I use about an ounce of good trim with Betty Crocker's Dark Chocolate Brownie mix. I just clean it, grind it up and fry the leaf in ghee for about 15 minutes. Let it cool and add to mix. I also add chopped walnuts. Cook it at slightly lower temp and longer then the instructions. Check for doneness by inserting a toothpick. If it comes us clean, it's done. Yum!
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