Droopy Dog,
What do you say is sexual maturity?
Ok, I'm not going to argue since we are in basic agreement without realizing it. Sexual maturity is that point in growth where you have alternating nodes and the emergence of pre flowers ~2 months+- after sprouting.
I used to grow a sea of green, my plantlets were only about 6-10 inches tall at harvest.
I do this also.
I have done this with jamacian,hawaiian, skunk, white widow after rooting the clones then going straight to flowering. I do not see where sexual maturity has anything to do with it. I had a Hawaiian/vermont skunk mother for about 4 years and she did pre-sex, but my clones never did but I still harvested bud!!
Think about it, clones=mothers in all respects including age. Mom is sexually mature (pre flowers), so are the clones. See the simple beauty of it all?
ALSO THE jAMACIAN WOULD GROW FOR 9-10 MONTHS AT 12/12 B4 flowering. That is why I rooted at 24 hrs on, and then switched to 12/12.
I just don't believe in that sexual maturity crap!!
Not believing it doesn't make it any less so. Compare to humans if it helps, seedlings=babies, veg to alternating nodes, children, alternating nodes/pre flowers, teenagers/adults (sexually mature).
Can everyone who wants to grow buy a MJ growers guide??? sheesh!!! already!!!