When to start feeding.


Active Member
My plants are about 3 weeks old and are clones so they were put in solos 3 weeks ago about and then I transplanted into 3 gallon pots a week later. I use plant tone about a half cup mixed into coco loco when should I start feeding them nuets if not now? And what kind would yall recomend?



My plants are about 3 weeks old and are clones so they were put in solos 3 weeks ago about and then I transplanted into 3 gallon pots a week later. I use plant tone about a half cup mixed into coco loco when should I start feeding them nuets if not now? And what kind would yall recomend?



Good morning Amigo :ciao:
Just to confirm you have a mix of soil and coco loco?
When you uppot again make sure you don’t mix too much coco in your soil.
It can cause issues with the ph. :Namaste:
10% is beneficial.
Most soil growers I talk to go approximately 4 weeks in a decent soil before switching to feeding from plain water.
For nutrients I’m using @Greenleaf Nutrients currently.
Mega crop 1 part nutrients to be exact .
Very easy for new growers to use and economical as heck :thumb:
I would recommend you get some calmag too.
Since you have coco in there you will need to put it in your plain nutrient water first.
Otherwise do you have a nutrient line available to you?
Your local grow shop has something readily available?
Easy access is always good.
I use kelp with my nutrients it’s great for the plants , I recommended you get some of that aswell.
Hope that helps.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Just to confirm you have a mix of soil and coco loco?
When you uppot again make sure you don’t mix too much coco in your soil.
The Coco Loco already is a mix of approximately 50% compost and approx 50% coco coir along with some worm castings and a touch of Perlite and some fertilizer thrown in. I believe it is already adjusted so that the mix has a pH of about 6.5 but my memory on that could be off kilter.

The coco in the name makes a lot of people think that it is a coco coir with hydro methods needed. Based on my interpretation of what I have read about it the soil mix should be treated like a regular compost based mix.

I use plant tone about a half cup mixed into coco loco
A 1/2 cup of the Plant Tone fertilizer sounds right, or at least close, for 3 gallons of soil. It will be best to settle on a fertilizer program that suits you soon. The Plant Tone does not meet the needs of a fast growing plant like your Cannabis.

Easiest thing is to get the Fox Farms basic set of fertilizers if you are willing to measure exact amounts of both fertilizer and water. It will work if you are able to keep records of both when you fertilized and when you watered with the fertilizer and without.

I tried the Fox Farms method and it works very well. But taking all those notes was not what I wanted to do. Yes, I recommend and keep notes but the exact measuring, etc was not what I was enjoying when it came to reading how plants were growing. Fox Farms is great stuff, well researched products, and super customer support but not what I wanted.

Ended up spending some time reading web pages about other fertilizers and tried some of them. Settled on the Roots Organic line of dry fertilizers which allows for a generous fudge factor when the plants show signs of needing a bit of a change. Also their dry formulas do not require a frequent fertilizing schedule.
Which line of the roots organic did you use? I know you said the dry amendments for it but there are quite a few! Thank you for the info though that definitely helps! I'm going on week 3 of veg after being cut off the plant so I'm thinking I'm going to need to feed soon
And also if my plants tips are turning yellow a bit does that mean it's time for nuets? On my little one even some of the new growth where the nodes are at are turning yellow at the tips.
Which line of the roots organic did you use?
I settled on the basic Terp Tea Grow and Terp Tea Bloom and keep a bag of their Cal-Mag handy. I have a bag of their Nitrogen Bat Guano (9-3-1), Super Phos (0-12-0), and Oregonism XL(a mix of soil bacteria) on the shelves for special occasions.
What ratios of those do you use? Or does it have directions on it?
Each bag has the dosages on the back. It can be mixed with water and applied, or it can be mixed into the soil or just a layer over the surface. If you do a google search for Roots Organic the first suggestion should be Aurora which owns Roots Organic. Once there look at the bag fertilizers and click on one which will then show info on that particular product and give the ingredients and the suggested doses.
And also if my plants tips are turning yellow a bit does that mean it's time for nuets? On my little one even some of the new growth where the nodes are at are turning yellow at the tips.
Everything is purple so it is close to impossible to see any yellow tips. All the purple is making it hard to see the new growth. Or see if there is anything else going on including another issue.

Turn off the grow lights and use the regular white room light or table lamp. Set the camera to Auto for the flash setting. Take three or four photos and select the best one to post--no need to post all of them.
Much better. The leaf tips do look bad at all. I can see a bit of yellow but at this point not enough showing to indicate any thing to worry about.

This is about the 4th week now so I'm thinking they just might need another dose of some plants tone as I don't have anything else at the moment to give them
If that is all then it is better than doing nothing. Mix it up in a small dose to match the amount of water you would be using the next time--no point in having to waste any left over mixture. That will give you some time to find something that you will feel comfortable with using.

@Bill284's suggestion of MegaCrop has been highly recommended by others as an easy to use product. If you do find something you can always bring it up and see what others have used it.
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