When to introduce seedlings to new lighting?


Well-Known Member

Currently 4 seedlings are under this 24W T5H0 light for a 18/6 cycle. Day 6

The roots are growing in nicely inside a 1.5" cube. They will be planted into a 4" small block around day 8 depending on root growth.

These are the 4" and will be home for them until they get a bit more growth and eventually they will be stacked onto the giant big mamma 8" blocks for the final home.

My question is when do you think is appropriate to move then into their permanent home for lighting wise.

They will be going from a 24w T5 to a 400-500w LED with full control of light spectrum.
My thought is to try and keep their time under the T5 as short as possible.
Would moving them to the solar system 550 as soon as I plant them into the 4" blocks but control the LED light to be half the full power be too early?
Hey man, nice lights and setup :high-five:
Would moving them to the solar system 550 as soon as I plant them into the 4" blocks but control the LED light to be half the full power be too early?
If you could post a pic of your seedlings it would give us a better idea if they're strong enough for the change in lighting.
But they should be fine with the LED at half strength, lift it all the way up and see how the seedlings like it. If they're looking good a few hours later, drop it a bit more and you can keep doing that over the next coupla days to give them a slow transition to the new light.

Have you got a grow journal going? There's no link attached to your signature :passitleft:
Just harden them off like you would if you were going to put them outside. Give them 15 minutes of bright light then normal. Then do a half hour, and an hour. That should do it. Keep the new light high at first, and lower it slowly, keeping an eye on your plants.
Seedlings adapt to the light pretty fast. If you start them with alot, they will take alot when they are mature. If you baby them early, they wont be able to take the amount of photons as the plant that got alot early.
Seedlings adapt to the light pretty fast. If you start them with alot, they will take alot when they are mature. If you baby them early, they wont be able to take the amount of photons as the plant that got alot early.
I'd have to disagree buddy - at seedling stage they can not process too much light. The seedling stage is the most fragile / venerable stage in the plants life and it's very easy to light stress it or give it light burn. :thumb: the plant needs different amounts of light at different stages for optimal growth, more is not always better.
each their own man, humidity and heat is more of an enemy then bright light at seedling stage. Clone, those cant take alot of light, seedlings, they can be fine, ALTHOUGHT, i do like to only hit them with 150 PAR seedling.

BUT, my comment above is still hold truth about the lights bro,

Its just indoor, you dont hit your seedlings with 500 watts, because thats probably the max your light might be. I do agree that light should be distributed in stages, no doubt about it,..

The reasons for brighter light at seedlings stage is to stop the stretch onset. Once the first set of leaves separates the cycclononidion leaves, (lol) then u can let up on the light.

My current Cherry Wine CBD, gets no more then 500 PAR, but on purpose. Early in veg, i didnt hit her with more then 225 PAR, best plant ive ever grown to date, lol.. Its about Emerson Effect, less light needed when spectrum is optimal, I fully agree, more is not always better, but dont think seedlings should be babied.
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