When to harvest? NYCD


420 Member
Hi there, im growing my first plant which is a NYC Diesel from Advanced seeds, so far it looks good to me however im unsure of when to harvest, on the website it says 60-65 days, it is day 66. Most leaves have yellow dried up and fallen off id say about 60% of them, the top cola leaves have gone yellow and some drying up, i do NOT have a magnifying glass around me to check any trichomes, could anyone help?
Also i have not flushed yet.

Thanks in advance! :D

It's done my friend. Could chop now or wait another week and it will be just a bit better. I have a plant at about the same stage but I'm letting go for another week just for a bit more swelling.
It's done my friend. Could chop now or wait another week and it will be just a bit better. I have a plant at about the same stage but I'm letting go for another week just for a bit more swelling.

Hi there thanks for the reply, and yes ive been told 1 more week will increase bud size, im after quality and not quantity, i do see some sideway growth on top colas, but is it worth waiting another week? would it help the quality in general?
Ive flushed today as the ec was over 4.5, flushed till 0.8 ec and added light 1.2EC feed of plagron green sensation and terra bloom, was this a wrong step? :S first time. Just made sense not to over fertilize the plant late stages, dont want to affect the taste. maybe another flush 3 days time? plain ph'd water? my tap water is around 0.7-0.8 EC.
Sounds about right. lovely looking plant cool for first grow. pity u don't have any magnification devise to look at the trichomes. Another week it will be more narcotic just the way i like em lol. giving this one another couple of days its getting there.(Blue Treacle auto)
Sounds about right. lovely looking plant cool for first grow. pity u don't have any magnification devise to look at the trichomes. Another week it will be more narcotic just the way i like em lol. giving this one another couple of days its getting there.(Blue Treacle auto)

Very nice close up! was looking into trichomes and i thought if its 30% amber its on its way to high cbd low thc? if im not mistaken. Also i will be doing the same i think just waiting till all the leaves start to dry up from the bottom then chop time i hope its not too late.
After the flush today the colas have gotten fatter reallly fast! side growth on all colas before just 1-2. The plant loved the flush!
The earlier you harvest, the more cerebral and light the high is. The later you harvest the more heavy the high is.

Thank you for the reply! ok now final 2 days of flush, i thouroughly flushed the plant 5 days ago then gave it plain ph'd ice cold water but i noticed today the run off was 2.1EC :S how is that possible? or is the plant dumping its nutrients as waste?
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