When should I stop pruning my outside plant?


Well-Known Member
I have 2 questions. Should I prune this plant to thin the density of the foliage; and should I remove new, small branches in the bottom, center of the canopy that will not receive much light? Below is the information I think is needed to answer these questions. I have done hours of research on the web and have read so many different things regarding when you should stop training and pruning your plant. I have read all pruning and training should stop 2 weeks before transitioning to it's okay to do LST and pruning through the first 2 weeks of flower and everything in between. I figure I should ask this question here, among people who actively grow.....not people who did a little research and decided to post an article online.

Below is a picture of the entire plant and a close-up of a branch to see where the plant is in the flowering process (this is my first grow so this is all new to me). My first day of less than 14 hours of daylight occurred on 8/5/24. According to a daylight calendar, my first day of 13 hours of sunlight will occur on 8/31 with 13:01:06 hours of sunlight.

I measured the canopy this morning. The width at the widest part of the canopy is 49 inches in diameter. I left more on the outside of the canopy than the center figuring the outside would get more light. I measured the from the top, center canopy to the bottom center canopy and it measured 24 inches in height.

This plant has leaf septoria. 3 weeks ago this plant looked terrible. I have been spraying with copper fungicide and removing infected leaves. If you look to the right of the picture, there was a tree growing beside the house under the satellite that also had septoria and was probably the source for this plant getting it. We have cut the tree down and in the past week and a half I have only needed to remove a handful of infected leaves every 2 to 3 days.

I think I might have allowed this plant's foliage to become too dense. I don't know if it is better to thin the foliage out to allow for better airflow and light penetration or leave the foliage as it is since it's transitioning to flower. One thing I have noticed when removing infected leaves is the ones I am removing now are in areas of thick density where multiple leaves are touching. I have also noticed this plant has a lot of new branches growing in the center bottom of the canopy that will not reach the top and therefore, will not receive much light. Should I remove the small, new branches at the bottom, center of the canopy or will that be too stress before flowering?

One more piece of information that may be helpful when answering these questions. I never realized it until recently, but my property line has several trees that are infected with fungus and/or mold. I am terrible at guessing distance, but I would say this plant is probably 100-150 feet from my property line. I fear once fall arrives and the trees start losing their leaves the wind will carry these infected leaves to my plants causing the septoria to get out of control again. That is why I think thinning the foliage may be beneficial, to make the plant less habitable to fungus and mold.

Also, this question is off-topic but I am curious......does anyone have a guess on how much weight of dry bud I can expect from this plant?


I generally don’t do much pruning on my outdoor plants.
I concentrate on growing a root ball big enough to support a huge plant like yours.
Then when stretch has finished I remove small branches and larf below the light line.
Anything not getting full sun at some point during the day.
Now I have a root ball big enough to flower everything in the sun.
After that I don’t pick at her.
Clean once and let her do her thing.
Personally I wouldn’t remove a single thing from that girl.
She is perfect and capable of producing lots of bud.
Any smalls I make eatables with.
Question 2
As she sits it’s a pound to pound and a half.
Depending on bud density.
Excellent work buddy.
Do you have a journal?

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
I generally don’t do much pruning on my outdoor plants.
I concentrate on growing a root ball big enough to support a huge plant like yours.
Then when stretch has finished I remove small branches and larf below the light line.
Anything not getting full sun at some point during the day.
Now I have a root ball big enough to flower everything in the sun.
After that I don’t pick at her.
Clean once and let her do her thing.
Personally I wouldn’t remove a single thing from that girl.
She is perfect and capable of producing lots of bud.
Any smalls I make eatables with.
Question 2
As she sits it’s a pound to pound and a half.
Depending on bud density.
Excellent work buddy.
Do you have a journal?

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
I have to at least keep removing the leaves infected with septoria. My biggest concern is allowing for airflow to keep the leaf septoria under control. I didn't know if pruning at this stage would be too stressful. Below is a pic from the beginning of the month when I discovered it. The septoria started in the bottom, center of the canopy so I didn't notice it until it had gotten pretty bad. I have had this plant looking pitiful several times and it always bounces back!

From what I am gathering I should wait until my plant stops stretching, give a good clean-up below the light line, then leave it be?

I do not have a journal for this plant but I did start a journal a week ago for round 2. The link is in my signature.

I have to at least keep removing the leaves infected with septoria. My biggest concern is allowing for airflow to keep the leaf septoria under control. I didn't know if pruning at this stage would be too stressful. Below is a pic from the beginning of the month when I discovered it. The septoria started in the bottom, center of the canopy so I didn't notice it until it had gotten pretty bad. I have had this plant looking pitiful several times and it always bounces back!

From what I am gathering I should wait until my plant stops stretching, give a good clean-up below the light line, then leave it be?

I do not have a journal for this plant but I did start a journal a week ago for round 2. The link is in my signature.

I understand about the septoria :Namaste:
It is what it is at this point.
Is it under control now?

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
I understand about the septoria :Namaste:
It is what it is at this point.
Is it under control now?

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Yes, it is doing much better. The first pic I posted was taken this morning. I have only needed to remove a handful of leaves every 2 to 3 days. At first, I was filling a grocery bag with infected leaves every other day. I have been spraying with copper fungicide once a week. I have noticed the leaves that are getting infected tend to be in dense areas where several leaves are touching.
Yes, it is doing much better. The first pic I posted was taken this morning. I have only needed to remove a handful of leaves every 2 to 3 days. At first, I was filling a grocery bag with infected leaves every other day. I have been spraying with copper fungicide once a week. I have noticed the leaves that are getting infected tend to be in dense areas where several leaves are touching.
Keep on it.
Do you have a good sprayer?
It’s a good investment.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
This is what I use to spray with.

Keep on it.
Do you have a good sprayer?
It’s a good investment.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
This is what I use to spray with.

I just ordered this one from Vivosun.


I got to keep my expenses down at this point. My husband is not happy about the amount of money I have spent! The funny thing is, he is the smoker, not me. He smokes more in a day than I do in a month.....probably 2 months!
I just ordered this one from Vivosun.


I got to keep my expenses down at this point. My husband is not happy about the amount of money I have spent! The funny thing is, he is the smoker, not me. He smokes more in a day than I do in a month.....probably 2 months!
I’m in the same boat :rofl:
Stacey doesn’t like when I spend money in the greenhouse.
Let alone the ten large I spent to build the VIVOHUT. :rolleyes:
But she loves having a large selection of top shelf bud at her finger tips.
Would be great if I could sell some.
But I’ve given away 8 pounds this year.
Any new equipment comes out of my pocket anyway.
We do our best with what we have right!
After putting the sprayer tube through my hand last summer an electric sprayer was a no brainer.
@VIVOSUN Makes good stuff.
You can’t go wrong there.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
I can't even begin to imagine the events that took place to cause a sprayer to go through your hand! I hope your hand made a full recovery!
I was pumping like a mad man and the top round handle came off.
I slammed my hand down on the tube.
Cut a perfect circular piece through my hand.
I’m a bull in a china shop if you get the picture.
Self inflicted injury as usual.
I have zero dexterity in my left hand now.
Just one more challenge on the list.
I’m still kicking azz though so no worries.
Just be careful, hehe. :Namaste:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
I was pumping like a mad man and the top round handle came off.
I slammed my hand down on the tube.
Cut a perfect circular piece through my hand.
I’m a bull in a china shop if you get the picture.
Self inflicted injury as usual.
I have zero dexterity in my left hand now.
Just one more challenge on the list.
I’m still kicking azz though so no worries.
Just be careful, hehe. :Namaste:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
I don't know how long ago you did this but I know from personal experience nerves can take a couple of years to heal depending on the severity of the damage. I had cauda equina syndrome that required emergency surgery. I have nerve damage from the waist down. After surgery, I had to use a walker and was told I would probably need one for the rest of my life. After being home for a few days I ditched the walker and would grab onto whatever was nearby when needed. At the time my daughter was an infant so would use her stroller somewhat as a walker since you can only put so much of your weight on a stroller before the front wheels lift off the ground. It was a very slow recovery and I pushed myself a lot but my nerves slowly continued to heal and gain function for 2 to 3 years afterwards. I am not 100%, and never will be......but I am doing a lot better than they thought I would be by pushing myself. If your hand injury is not very old I would try everything possible to strengthen your hand since a lot of the issues with nerve damage are caused by muscle atrophy.
I don't know how long ago you did this but I know from personal experience nerves can take a couple of years to heal depending on the severity of the damage. I had cauda equina syndrome that required emergency surgery. I have nerve damage from the waist down. After surgery, I had to use a walker and was told I would probably need one for the rest of my life. After being home for a few days I ditched the walker and would grab onto whatever was nearby when needed. At the time my daughter was an infant so would use her stroller somewhat as a walker since you can only put so much of your weight on a stroller before the front wheels lift off the ground. It was a very slow recovery and I pushed myself a lot but my nerves slowly continued to heal and gain function for 2 to 3 years afterwards. I am not 100%, and never will be......but I am doing a lot better than they thought I would be by pushing myself. If your hand injury is not very old I would try everything possible to strengthen your hand since a lot of the issues with nerve damage are caused by muscle atrophy.
I'm so glad your getting better.
I had a similar experience when I broke a vertebrae.
I'm mobile again thankfully.
Long road to recovery. :Namaste:
Nerves in my hand were cut.
It's improving, thanks.
Be careful please :Namaste:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
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