When can I count the start of flush?


Well-Known Member
I over watered my ladies gave my tent high humidity , I wanted to start my flush 4 days ago, I haven’t fed them since 5 days ago. They had a small amount of water 4 days ago but I realised I had been overwatering and haven’t watered since waiting for them to dry. Do I count the flush from when I start feeding water ? Or when I last fed nutes? Sorry if I’m over or under explaining, I am very high. Cheers.
I over watered my ladies gave my tent high humidity , I wanted to start my flush 4 days ago, I haven’t fed them since 5 days ago. They had a small amount of water 4 days ago but I realised I had been overwatering and haven’t watered since waiting for them to dry. Do I count the flush from when I start feeding water ? Or when I last fed nutes? Sorry if I’m over or under explaining, I am very high. Cheers.
Hey Buddy sorry your having an issue.
Don't do anything until the pot drys out.
What day of flower are you?
Is this a recommended flush by your nutrient line?

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Cheers man, I think it’s nearly there tops dry under is damp so wait and check tomorrow. On the 59th day of flower so I’m in week 8, you think I can drop in 8 days if dry tomorrow? Im
Not sure about the nute line I’ll check on that, im using canna calmag terra aquatica base nutes and AN big bud and bud candy. Ideally want to crop asap to avoid the dreaded bud rot as the colas are fat as fuck. But also don’t want to crop too early and have bad tasting weed. Strains are NL and Critical.
Cheers mate 🤙🏻
Cheers man, I think it’s nearly there tops dry under is damp so wait and check tomorrow. On the 59th day of flower so I’m in week 8, you think I can drop in 8 days if dry tomorrow? Im
Not sure about the nute line I’ll check on that, im using canna calmag terra aquatica base nutes and AN big bud and bud candy. Ideally want to crop asap to avoid the dreaded bud rot as the colas are fat as fuck. But also don’t want to crop too early and have bad tasting weed. Strains are NL and Critical.
Cheers mate 🤙🏻
Flushing won't change the taste of your buds :Namaste: :Namaste:
If your concerned about when to chop I can help if you have pics?
But if she is draining her pot she is still alive, flowering still and building thc & terps

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Unfortunately I cannot post pics,
the girls are healthy and nearly ready.
I’m just wondering about the flush because I want to flush long enough to get rid of nutes. I’d usually do 2 week plus some if needed but I don’t want humidity to cause rot and tear through plant in the last stage. So wondering when I count flush from. Like I said I haven’t nuted since Saturday, water Sunday, nothing since.
Cheers bro 🤙🏻
As Bill said, flushing won't change the taste of your buds, but an improper dry and cure sure will. So, unless your nute line specifically calls for a flush you'd be better off maintaining a healthy, well fed plant to the end, and then focus on a proper dry and cure stage.
Hey bud, flushing isn't absolutely necessary, it doesn't have a massive impact in my experience, you can always do a bud wash after you harvest if you're really concerned about taste. But if you must flush, day 1 is when you give the first lot of straight water after using nutes
Cheers mate I have seen a lot of conflicting views on flushing I’m pretty new and too scared to not flush atm but I may try in future. Is it really a myth then? I can see a lot of people saying same thing on this post 😂
Cheers mate I have seen a lot of conflicting views on flushing I’m pretty new and too scared to not flush atm but I may try in future. Is it really a myth then? I can see a lot of people saying same thing on this post 😂
You cannot flush anything out of plants and why would you want to [?], you only flush the soil they sit in
The plant has already converted the nutes to energy stored in the leaves, which cannot be flushed per se
I don't give nutes in the final week, agreed, but that's only because it's a waste
Once the fruit of a plant is set, it is no longer actively growing while the fruit ripens
Cheers mate I have seen a lot of conflicting views on flushing I’m pretty new and too scared to not flush atm but I may try in future. Is it really a myth then? I can see a lot of people saying same thing on this post 😂
There's a lot of years of experience in this thread saying the same thing but sure, go with rumor and your gut. Lol.

You'd be better off doing it right and not flushing this round and if you feel compelled to experiment in the future at least you'll have a better quality harvest to compare whatever you change to this better one.
Hey Frosty, good to meet you!

A plant takes up what a plant takes up… flushing the soil doesn’t change that. There’s a link over at InTheSheds journal in the signature line. The original document was apparently taken down by the authors but cited a scientific study that compared nutrient levels in flushed versus un-flushed buds. The results were identical there was zero improvement on the flushed buds.. nutrient levels were the exact same.

So it’s a pain to run 15 gallons of water thru a 5 gallon bucket, takes resources yet gives nothing in return…. yeah, no, think I’ll pass…

From different perspective… if flushing really worked then farmers would have to scramble and reapply ferts after every half decent rain cycle…. Let’s suppose you fall head first in bucket of shite - what’s the priority here? are you gonna wash your feet? or wash your hair?

Flush if it makes you feel better… but most of us here will agree… feed to the end, then bud washing and proper dry cure phase is the correct answer!

Alright peace out-
.... but what is expanded clay?

Use google or the search engine of your choice and type in:
expanded clay
and hit enter. Most likely the results will include info on what it is and include pictures of balls of expanded clay and photos of various products and not just the Hydroton product.
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