What's your fastest photo finish?


Well-Known Member
I’d like to know if others have had a photoperiod plant finish extremely fast.
I’m growing a seed that was from a self pollinated clone….strain is white truffle x okie.
The clone finished at around day 70 of 12/12. Out of roughly 5oz of dried bud, I found 8-10 seeds. I grew one of them a year ago and I harvested her somewhere around day 70-72 of 12/12.
I decided to grow another this summer.
I flipped to 12/12 on July 21. Within a few days she popped some pistils and was on her way. Along the way I had some pest problems, so I sprayed her a few times w/ Dr Zymes, which is organic and fine during flower.
I noticed a couple weeks ago that her pistils were all turning brown and even starting to recede…..even though it was only a month or so since flipping.
I go out of town for a week and when I return it’s obvious that she is maturing fast.
Today makes day 48 since the flip and she is showing all the signs of being ready. The buds are kinda small but the strain isn’t known for large flowers.
I really haven’t noticed a big swelling of the calyces but there isn’t a single white pistil on the entire plant and no evidence of any new ones showing up.
The trichs are easily over 80% milky….with a random amber scattered…..and I don’t think I’ve ever had a plant with less clear trichomes.
This strain doesn’t have a strong nose until the tail end of flower and then it explodes with a very unique aroma…..sort of a mix b/t cat piss, grapes and a Hobo’s morning breath.
Anyway, that smell is coming on stronger every day.
Damned if I don’t think this girl is gonna be perfect after 50 days of flower…..max of 55.
Has anyone else had a plant just race through the process and finish 2-3 weeks earlier than advertised??
Thanks all….pics are from this morn
very nice !!! I don't have any fast finishing photos because of the sativa / indaca mix. :(
Only fast-finishing photo I ever saw was a Polaroid ;)
I schedule the harvest of my Blue Dream and Peanut Butter Cup clones for 9 weeks after they are put in the flowering tent. Five to seven days allowing for the change in the growing tips and the beginning of the stigma/pistils showing. Then 8 weeks till harvest. Everyone is much happier with the results after the fridge dry and cure than they were when I went longer looking for the amber.
I schedule the harvest of my Blue Dream and Peanut Butter Cup clones for 9 weeks after they are put in the flowering tent. Five to seven days allowing for the change in the growing tips and the beginning of the stigma/pistils showing. Then 8 weeks till harvest. Everyone is much happier with the results after the fridge dry and cure than they were when I went longer looking for the amber.
I can’t speak about fridge drying but it makes a lot of sense. I’ve been pretty lucky to have fairly ideal drying conditions……so I haven’t looked into other methods.
As for the waiting on ambers, I can totally say that I’d love to have a couple of grows back for a re-do. The buds were ripe to the naked eye, had a majority of cloudy trichs but very few ambers. I let those plants go another 3 weeks, waiting on more ambers. The ambers never came and the trichs didn’t change much at all. The Terp profile, however, did change and a lot of the strong smell and super stickiness was lost.
I won’t harvest if a plant has lots of white pistils popping all over, but once the pistils have turned and receded I’m not waiting long.
Part of me thinks that once that plant has ran its course and is no longer showing white pisitls, it’s no longer looking to be pollinated and you take the trichs that you’re given. I’ve never had a plant get to that stage without the trichs being 70-80% milky. Sometimes there’s a lot of ambers, sometimes not.
The only reason I haven’t chopped this plant is because of how fast it all happened.
My experiences are probably anecdotal but as the grows stack up, the facts seem to show the same outcomes.
Thanks for the input and sorry to ramble.
The plant has a simple agenda. Grow, catch pollen, and make good seeds to carry on genetics. Sicky resin is to catch pollen, terpenes are to attract pollinators, and THC is a deterrent from being eaten. By pruning leaves and denying pollen we increase the plants efforts. If the plant is stressed it will stop everything and focus on any developing seeds. No need to waste energy on pistols, resins, terpenes, or THC any more. Genetics carry on with 3 viable seeds not a hundred immature seeds.
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