What's wrong with this plant? Advice needed!


New Member
Hello everyone,
iI have 2 plants, both Master Kush, but one of them does not really develop any buds or frost, just hairs everywhere. I thought maybe it's a hermie at first, but I didn't find any bananas or pollen sacks on the plant and gave it some more time. Now after 7.5 weeks I'm really wondering what's wrong with that damn thing. I did find something on the plant that looked like pollen sacks at first, but there are always 1 or 2 hairs coming out of them.
One plant is almost finished and I'm going to start flush this weekend, the other one I'm just not sure what to do.

Both plants have been on the same feeding schedule and enviroment. I checked PH twice a day and it was always in the range of 5.5 to 6.5, but mostly close to 5.8. Temp was always 19-23 °C. Humidity since flower has been 35-55%. No light leaks, pretty much no nute burns or deficiencies.

I have the following questions:
- Considering the above, what else might cause the plant to not develop buds?
- Male pollen sacks never have 1 or 2 hairs coming out of them, right?
- When a plant grows hermie, does it slow down or stop bud development?

Here are some pics:
Good: Good: Bad: This is one of those thing with 1 brown hair coming out of it (bad quality, sorry):
I know, on the pics it does not really come across, but trust me, the difference is HUGE. The bad one looks like my good one 4 weeks ago... Maybe it's just a really bad pheno, but I've never had this with 2 plants of the same strain. Any comments/advice is appreciated!

EDIT: Also, I forgot to mention: On the 'bad' plant the leaves look kinda funky and a bit mutated almost. Very irregular...
Thanks Marz!
I can't imagine it beeing N toxicity, you think because of the purple stems? I went very light on the feeding schedule (I think), I started at about 400ppm 2-1-2 (micro, grow, bloom) in transition and I'm now at 1-0-2 at about 800-850ppm in week 7. But I did kind of ease out of Nitrogen, I gave it some in transition and stopped week 2. As I said, the other plant is doing fine, that's what I don't get. I'm using GH nutes currently btw.

I know the pics aren't great, best I could do with my cam :(

Edit: Checked again, the purple stems are no N def. from what I understand. The plant does not have much of the 'claw' look going on, maybe a tiny bit. In the first pic the leaves are bend down by my camera a bit. To me, the leaves are looking fine, nothing like those in pics of N toxicity I see on the net.
If you can for future pics I'd take them out from under the pink light.
That's hard, they are in big DWC buckets and pretty large, bushy plants. I can take some pics tomorrow right after the lights go out. Now they are sleeping already.

You are right, they look pretty dark in the pics.
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