
420 Member
Hey everyone, so I've got Amnesia Lemon, BlueDream, Mango Cream and Blue Gelato 41 clones all taken at the same time and fed the same nutrients and nutrient strengths from the start. Only my Blue Gelato though has started not looking very good tje last few weeks and I do not know what the problem is, I've gradually upped their nutrients over the last 6 weeks from transplanting from 350ppm to currently 800 ppm. I keep all my mothers at 800 and they all look good, even the Blue Gelato. My fan burnt out a while ago and it got quite hot in there while I was waiting for the replacement to come, up to about 32°C. Could it be the environment stress that is causing this? I'm using Greenhouse Powder Feed with Calcium and growing in a 40/60 coco perlite mix.


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I would think it is a Cal/Mag issue, could tell a little more if you did not take the pics with LED lights on.
@gr865, thanks man, thought it might be. I've taken some pictures with the light off for a better look.

All my plants get the same nutrients and the rest are doing fine, I'm thinking it's nutrient lockout rather than not enough mg. I flushed each of them today with 5l of ph water and sprayed them with some epsom salts, hoping it will solve my problem.


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Hello, I am the first time to grow my girl, they 18 days, my space: 3 meters long, 3 meters wide, 2.7 meters high, they only eight girls, I should adopt what way... Fim or some other way to train them. Thank you very much for your kind reply.
Hey man, I would recommend first doing some low stress training and defoliation, it keeps the plant nice and short and opens it up so you get more light to the plant. Done right it will increase your yield, just careful with the defoliation, do it in stages so not to stress your plant too much, she will need a few days to recover. No defoliation after the first 2 weeks of flowering, you can just lightly trim and tuck here and there where a bit when a leaf gets in the way. There are plenty of threads and posts and videos that will give you a good step by step.
Hello, I am the first time to grow my girl, they 18 days, my space: 3 meters long, 3 meters wide, 2.7 meters high, they only eight girls, I should adopt what way... Fim or some other way to train them. Thank you very much for your kind reply.
Looks like total nutrient burn to me.
Personally I would get then into 5-7 gallon fabric pots and water every day, maybe even twice a day if it's hot with 1/4 strength nutrients.
Thanks man, after flush I've cut the nutrient strength. Will see how it goes and let you know
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