What's up with my roots?


Well-Known Member
They are incredibly tiny, in comparison to most other photos people take of their freshly potted seedlings.


I aerated these roots using a wooden skewer and realized they are tiny. REALLY tiny.

If I was to take a gander I'd say maybe I overwatered them when they were in the 4.00 round pots? They were in seed starting mix, I cannot get over how tiny these things are! I should think the seed starting mix is optimal for root development, but clearly this is not the case here.
Hard to say without seeing the entire plant, but remember there are tap roots and feeder roots. What I see are feeder roots, they tend to be much finer, and while they also gather water, they are mostly for nutrient absorption. The tap roots (which the feeder roots branch off of) tend to go deep in search of water. Overwatering or watering incorrectly tends to be the most common mistake we all make (oh yeah, been there done that, got the T-shirt!). I would suggest reading Emilya's primer on how to water a potted plant, good info there.
Hey @bobj!

can we see a shot of the whole plant, showing the pot too? when was it up potted?

happy growing! 🪴
hey I went n made a new post with pictures attached explaining all of that for a new problem, if you'd like to go and see and render your opinion, it'd be mightily appreciated! I think I have a magnesium deficiency!
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