What's going on here and should I do something?


New Member
Hello Everyone!

I have a plant that used to have another plant in the pot with it until it got chopped for being male. I bent it over and tied it down and it has been growing furiously, just a little on the light green side. I don't have enough experience to know if there is anything I can or should be doing.

The soil is a peat-based mix of my own homemade compost. Very rich and wormy. All of the other plants in the same stuff are very happy and dark green. Is this just super-fast growth? This plant is also pushing out pistils faster than the others. Maybe stressed somehow?

Anyways, here are the pics.

Before: 7 pots,


After: Down to 5 pots.


Thanks in advance for taking the time to help!!:thumb::thumb:
do you know what seed you have if you have a mix of sativa and indica the plants will grow different from each other but looks like your a little yellow on some plants that saying feed me make sure your PH in in check and you'll be back on the road, other then that the plants look good nice job just a little fix and your good not to worry
I have no idea what kind of seeds I started with. They were all bag seeds.

The really light green plant is slowly darkening from bottom to top. It grew so fast upwards from the lower nodes after I bent it over, I think it might just be the nature of the plant.

If anyone can advise why an otherwise healthy plant might be this light colored at the growth tips I'd love to hear it!
Id guess a nitrogen deficiency and/or a Ph problem. Id give some added nitro..but if theyre flowering they wont need much, dont over do it.
Youve got multiple plants in the same pot...sucking up all the nutes fast. They look great, just a little hungry.
My noob $0.02
Plants are fine, they need to be moved to a bigger pot from what i can see, which isn`t helping....I would add some Cal/Mag just in case and see if that helps...
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