What wrong with my plant

Welcome to 420Magazine my friend :welcome:
Sorry about your lady.
Is she in soil? 8n the pot?
What are you feeding her ? What strength? How often?
What is your room temp?
How far away is your light?
Is she an auto?
How old is she? What week of flower?
Anything else you can tell us to help diagnose the issue? :Namaste:
We need info for an accurate assessment.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Welcome to the group. With a bit of questions and answers you could be moving along and ready for a new grow as soon as this one is finished.

What wrong with my plant
Where to start? OK, some questions to help us know what we are looking at. I see that Bill284 is asking some of the basics and I suggest that knowing what type of light you are using will go along with his question on how far away it is.

Sometimes an important question that we have to ask is "What do you see going wrong?".
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