What would you ask Jeff Mizanskey if you could interview him?

Today I met Jeff Mizanskey, the Missouri man who was sentenced to life for Marijuana and recently pardoned. Jeff is traveling all over Missouri collecting signatures for the medical cannabis initiative, which needs 160,000 signatures to get it on November's ballot. As of today, Jeff reports that they have over 230,000 signatures! I have a good feeling that Missouri is going to soon be one of the legal states for medical patients.

We had a good chat today and decided that it would be a good thing to set up an interview of Jeff exclusively for 420magazine. As the signature initiative dies down in the next couple of weeks, Jeff will have more time, and as it turns out, he lives very near me. I will be setting up an interview with him soon and I would like to know what you would like to ask him. I can't promise to ask every question, but if you submit them here, they will be considered.

Your roving cannabis activist / reporter,

Sense Emilya
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