What would happen if I


New Member
What would happen if I had to change my 12/12?

I'm on day 8 of flowering, with lights off at night. I'm realizing that it's getting too cold in there at night, so I'd rather switch the schedule to have lights on to generate a little heat. 6 23w cfls by the way...

What's the best way to go about this? Can I just keep lights on for 24 hours (they just came on), then start the 12/12 over?

Re: What would happen if I....

I would not do this for 2 reasons. First, you are really messing with the plants light schedule drastically, and thats not good. Second, I don't think 6 23w CFL's will throw off sufficient heat to keep the room as warm as you would like.

My advice, add a small space heater on a timer, or better yet a thermostat.
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