What to do with extra clones


New Member
So I run a simple 4 bucket rdwc and am currently near the end of veg stage in my first ever grow. They were started from seeds. I have 2 separate room (veg/bloom) for a perpetual grow setup.

My plan is take 4 cuttings from each of my 4 girls making a total of 16 clones then move the 4 plants into the flower room. Once the 16 cuttings are rooted I then plan to take the best 4 and put them into my 4 bucket rdwc set up leaving me 12 clones let over.

I'm think I could throw the remaining 12 directly into the flower room and grow those out SOG style as space is a bit limited.

Any other ideas?
I think I'm gonna grow out the rejects. What are your thoughts on how to grow out 5-10 clones keeping them as low profile as possible. My main goal for the rejects will be too keep them as small as possible. Whatever yield I get from them will be more than just throwing them in the trash
Respect ice coast. Never throw ANY plants away. Rather since you get such excellent results give them away or do a Johnny Appleseed with them ( plant at night in public places) and see what happens. You could also clone less and enjoy more.
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