What to cook?


New Member
Ok, so I'm gettin ready to make some cannabutter and not really sure what I should cook. I'm going to use about 8g of son pretty good green and want to venture off the beaten path of brownies.. If u have any good ideas pleas toss em out there.... Thanks folks.
Made the chocolate chip cookie recipe called "coma cookies". I xhopped the bud in a coffee grinder and i think that worked a lot better than the last time i tried and simply broke it up. Now I ate these 40 min ago at 8:30 pm it's now 10 after 9 and I feel the effects starting to kick in. These cookies had 1/4 oz of some "ok" green and it made 12 cookies. I had two nice size ones and again the effects are starting to show. I smoked one bowl about 30 min ago but this is a nice, stronger, more discombobulating high.
Ok, so I'm about one hr 15 min in and Im offically one with my couch... If anyone wants the recipe I'll be more than happy to throw it ur way.
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