What kind of eggs are these?


New Member
Went to lollipop my plants and found these little white balls everywhere. They are all towards the top of the plant and mostly on the stems. When I touch them they crumble which made me think they could be little pieces of perlite but they seem to uniform. One out of my 4 plants has it everywhere... then just a couple on another one. I have no sign of spider mite damage and see no mites what so ever, and I've battled them before so I know what to look for. What could this be? I just flipped into 12/12 exactly 1 week ago and I don't have any buds forming yet. Can I / Should I spray with Azamax (Thats the only thing I have right now) ?
Maybe trics? Some plants have them all over, not as much as on the buds and sugar leaves, but enough that you can make hash out of leaves and stems.

Are they sticky? maybe resin. My Bubblelicious were COVERED with them from top to bottom!

It they get fuzzy, it might be mold. How high is your RH?
I don't have an RH meter. My budget's kind of tight right now. but I suspect the humidity should be pretty low. As I laid a pile of leaf trimmings out and they dried pretty quickly over night almost
is that a box of packaging material in the one pic? if so then that might be styrofoam on your plants. I know thats a long shot but just trying to help. styrofoam wouldnt crumble i wouldnt think... just a thought
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