What kind of deficiency could this be?


New Member
the leafs dry up and are yellow with purple stems my plant is just budding and if you look closely you see some brown stuff on it and i dont know what it is
i asure you its not humiditybecause i have a dehumidifier in the room and its like 50 percent usually.how can i know that its a nute locking out by the ph meter?
i asure you its not humiditybecause i have a dehumidifier in the room and its like 50 percent usually.how can i know that its a nute locking out by the ph meter?

You'll need to test your PH with a calibrated PH meter.

What type of medium are you growing in?
What PH water/Nutes do you feed?
Do you foliar spray?

Ph locking out nitrogen n magnesium. Check ph meter. If ok my bet is its a phosphorous or high humidity causing mold.
Depending on the medium he's growing in, if Nitrogen was locked out by PH, it would also be locking out multiple nutrients, so right now I don't think Nitrogen is being locked out by PH. If the PH were that high, or low, the entire plant would be showing signs of necrosis.

This chart shows you where you PH should be in Soil, on the right, and Hydro mediums (Hydro, DWC, RDWC, Aero, Hempy, Coco etc..) on the left.

Make sure your PH is stable and where it should be, first and foremost, and we can work from there.

This chart will outline several common deficiencies and show common symptoms of each:

As you can see, your leaf can potentially be showing problems from several deficiencies, so we need more information.

This could be Nitrogen, Phosphorous, Sulfur, Zinc, Iron, or any combination of them.

We need to know where on the plant this leaf came from.

There is also the potential for certain nutrients to be locked out by an excess of other nutrients:

We're really going to need a bit more information about your grow, it could help us narrow down the issue:
How to Ask for Grow Support

What Strain is it?
Is it Indica, Sativa or Hybrid? What percentages?
How Many Plants?
Is it in Vegetative or Flowering Stage?
If in Vegetative Stage... How Long?
If in Flowering Stage... How Long?
Indoor or Outdoor?
Soil or Hydro?
If Hydro, Reservoir size?
If Hydro, Reservoir Temperature?
If Hydro, what type of Medium?
If Hydro, what type of Setup?
If Soil... What is in your Mix?
If Soil... What Size Pot?
Size (Wattage) of Light? How Many?
Is it Air Cooled?
Temperature of Room/Cabinet?
RH of Room/Cabinet?
PH of Medium or Reservoir?
Any Pests?
How Often are you Watering?
Type and Strength of Fertilizers used?
Size or Square Footage of Room?

This information is necessary for accurate support to be given.
Thank you very much for your information everybody.now, Antics i dont have all the info that you need also, i know that i have done a terrible mistake feeding the plant fertilizers without watering in between.But today i checked the ph and it was around 6.6/7 (soil) no more no less.The bad part is that its an unknown strain.today i checked the plant and saw that the fan leaves are curling up and becoming crispy just dying here is a picture of the full plant
What kind of fertilizer? How much did you feed?

PH is pretty good, as you can see from this chart, your plant is able to absorb all nutes except Manganese and Iron at that level:

Having an unknown strain isn't the worst thing at all. It takes the same amount of guesswork as it would growing a known strain for the first time, so don't sweat that part.

Now what about foliar sprays? Have you been spraying anything on the leaves? water/nutes? pesticides? anything like that?

It does sound like the fertilizer might be the problem at this point. Perhaps too much was used, or it may have been too strong for the plant.. Let us know what you're using!

And just a reminder, make sure you use the 420 Magazine photo uploader for your pictures. That way all the pics stay with the posts. Sometimes those photo hosting sites go offline, or change web addresses, and then the picture is lost, and the topic is left with no visual references.
Foliar spray isn't required to avoid problems like that,, but some growers like them. I haven't used any yet, so I can't compare from my own experience.

But right now, since you're flowering you don't want to spray anything on the buds, that can increase the chance of bud rot.

Where are these leaves appearing? If they're all at the bottom/older growth, this could just be a simple Nitrogen deficiency as the plant flowers.
no its on the top i looked it up and the characteristics mached with a calcium deficiency...but my ph is perfect i can't understand whats the problem and i feel doomed....Airy buds and low yield you see this post?this is a clone from that plant and that plant showed different problems with the leaves again and low yield..i think i solved the airy buds and low yield problem with good soil i went from cheap cfls to a 240 hps but the leaves went from curling down the first time to curling up and dying the second time..i cant understand this plant its a unknown strain and it might be a sensitive one..idk
no its on the top i looked it up and the characteristics mached with a calcium deficiency...but my ph is perfect i can't understand whats the problem and i feel doomed....Airy buds and low yield you see this post?this is a clone from that plant and that plant showed different problems with the leaves again and low yield..i think i solved the airy buds and low yield problem with good soil i went from cheap cfls to a 240 hps but the leaves went from curling down the first time to curling up and dying the second time..i cant understand this plant its a unknown strain and it might be a sensitive one..idk

Can you be more specific about what fertilizers you are using? You are in flower, so it should be something that has a higher Phosphorus and Potassium concentration to Nitrogen. This would be seen as the NPK value somewhere on the fertilizer container. To me, it looks like Phosphorus deficiency. Phosphorus is a mobile element, so it would present itself on older fan leaves, and not new growth. However, you have defoled a lot of the fan leaves, so a total lack of Phos can present itself in new growth as well, since it can not pull from stores in older leaves.

Upload a picture of the front and back of the fertilizer.
Tell us how often and at what strength you have given that fertilizer.
the link on the 9th post the test 5 are all the nutrients i use

If you really want help, why not answer the questions so we can determine the information at hand?

Tell us how often and at what strength you have given that fertilizer.

We are not part of your grow, so you need to try and relay as much information to us as possible so that we can get a better picture of the scenario at hand. One word replies, or lack of information does not help anyone.
ok, one more info as it proggreses.the leaf arenot only drying up but they are kind of shrinking looking up.UltraDan thank you for the phosphorus def suggestion.as i said in the beginning theres a quite big chance of this happening because i fed alot of ferts and too much as i said a couple of days ago "i have done a terrible mistake feeding the plant fertilizers without watering in between"and i fed alot i put 1/2 tsp in a liter.But then again how can it go wrong when the ph is perfect and i have looked up nutrient burns and its not exactly a nute burn its more lige a deficiency but in the meantime the leaves are totaly drying up and dying.its so weird:p
Wonder how he's doing. He still hasn't told us what he's using for nutes or the rest of the setup. I'm afraid that without his help, he's doomed.
You really need to be more precise, GS. I know you can do this, hell I was in far worse shape 4 months ago. If it's the typing, take pics of all your nutes and post them.
You only get as good as you give. Good luck. Andy.
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