What is wrong with my plants?


New Member

I am finding theses strange markings on my plants!

I am freaking out (yes I am a newbie) as I have no idea what is wrong with my babies!
I began with 8plants (indoors for 6 weeks and then moved outdoors) and slowly this number is dwindling down! 1 was a male (which was to be expected), 3 bugs have taked over and I do not expect these guys to bud although I have been using a neem oil spray to see if these guys will fix themselves!
My other 4 I am still very hopeful for but now I am finding these strange markings!

I am very fearful that I will be left extremely disappointed and achieve very little bud (if any). I hope I am over-reacting!

Please take a look at the album below (i have numerous different pics of the symptoms). I will greatly appreciate any advice on labelling these issues and how I can tackle them to prevent my plants being unable to reach their full potential!


i agree, what nutrients are you using, how often are you feeding and at what doses,
how often do you water,
temps if possible also,
do you have a way of checking the ph of the run off

so lets take a look at the pics
right looks like you could possible have a few problems, first of all was this plant grown outdoors from day 1 or have you started it indoors and recently moved it out doors into the full sun with no break in period,

check underside of leaves for tiny black spots that look like pepper, see if you can see any of that,
to me it looks like a nute lockout problem due to ph or salt build up caused by to much nutrients, but then the pale leaves look like lack of nutrients which makes me lean towards a nutrient lockout due to ph or salt build up
What type of medium; soil or hydro? ---Soil
What brand and type of soil?---Miracle gro, multipurpose compost (has 3month slow release feed in it)
Indoors or outdoors? ---Outdoors (although were indoors for the first 2months approx.)
What strain? ---4 ruderAlis, 1 random bag seed, 2 early skunk
How old are the plants?---3.5 months approx.
What type of lights and how many watts? ----no lights (outdoor grow)
How far from the lights? ----no lights (outdoor grow)
What is your watering frequency and source of water? ----I live in Ireland so rain water usually takes care of the watering side for me, otherwise once every morning if it is hot
What, how much and when was it fed? NPK? ----Fox Farm Soil Trio (Grow Big, Big Bloom, Tiger Bloom), just switched to feeding plant with 10mls tiger and 15mls big bloom per 2gallons of water. feed every 3/4days
What is the medium/runoff pH and PPM if in hydro? ---not in hydro, ph of water is just under neutral
What are the temps and humidity in the room?--- not indoors
What size pots? ----about 30liter
Any bugs? Look real close. yes, had bug problems but they are in the process of being flushed out
Any other pertinent info? no sir

also, here are some more recent photos if it is any help at all!


Appreciate your help!
looks like several issues my friend. The leaves with holes are most likely bugs (in my case it was/is garden slugs and cutter bees). I see lots of vegetation around your girls (not good) as this will provide cover for the bugs when the sun comes out. Take a look around in the early morning before the sum gets to them or on a cloudy day. In addition, I started some in my indoor veg room and moved them outside like you did, two different sources of light. The sun is much, much, much stronger did you "hardened" them off? What's amazing to me is it's a weed and built to survive, however, when we try to be mother nature (indoor) it is another story. I also see what looks like nute issues, hopefully someone more knowledgeable will elaborate on that, good luck.

Thanks for your input, really appreciate it!

Yeah, damn bugs have been feasting big time on the girls (especially on 3 of them) but i have been tackling them with neem oil! Seems to be helping to keep them at bay! Do you recommend that i remove some of the vegetation lying around on the ground (although the ladies are in this area as I like them to be out of sight from the pesky porkers). The growth in the surrounding area is mostly ferns and a few conifers.

Also, my plants never had an artificial light source. when they were indoors they were just on my window-sill trying to catch whatever light they could (which was not much as it only got the evening sun, i only did this as i did not think that the girls would be able to withstand the conditions outdoors from seedling).
What do you mean by 'hardened them off'???

Thanks again and hope to hear from you soon!
welcome to 420 my friend,

clean up any dead leaves, these attract bugs and fungus, so any dead leaves on the plant need pulling off, any dead leaves on the ground need cleaning up, you need to keep the place as clean as possible as it just attracts bugs and mould

hardening off is when you move an indoor plant outdoors but you do it slowly, like first day you give it 1 hour outdoors, 2nd day 3 hours and slowly up the time until its hardened to the outdoor conditions as the temp from the sun can be a bit much if the plant is used to been indoors.

so if its been outside a while then its all good, with the buds you will need to treat them with something, the sponsors on this site sell products that will help but when you grow outdoors and around other plants then the bugs will come from the other plants and it will be difficult to control unless you treat the whole area, you need to find out what buds your dealing with, is it spider mites these will be black specs under the leaves, is it fungus gnats or green fly, see what the enemy is then treat accordingly,

ladybugs will eat most critters so you could order some of them off the net or see if a garden center near you sells them, if you go down that option then let the lady bugs out in the grow are at night as they wont fly off then and will settle into your garden then when the sun comes up they wont fly off as they will have a good food source, letting them out in the day will just cause most of them to fly off and find new homes,

so have a look and see what bugs you got then let us know, also clean up the area around the plant, anything on the ground is just easy food for bugs and will attract buds as it decays, any dead leaves on the plant also remove,

you can disguise the plant by buyimg some plastic flowers that are bright colours and hang these around the plant either on sticks or hang them so they disguise the plant, any cheap plastic flowers will do,

so find out what bugs you got then we can give you some names of products that will work and give the area a good clean, that will be a step in the right direction,

give us a shout when you got some idea of what your dealing with or take some pics and we can then see ourselves what bugs you got, it could be anything or a few diferent buds, spider mites are tiny little specs but gnats and greenfly are big enough so see without looking to hard
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