What is thisLeaf discoloration?


420 Member
If any one knows what this discoloration please help. It only started shorty after flowering. It's an autoflower gdp.

And this is the whole plant, nearly a meter tall.

Any help would be appreciated, Thanx in advance.
Looks like hunger to me. They start pulling nutrients from older leaves when they can't get enough fast enough from the soil/medium.

You might get better answers if you leave some more info, how often you feed/water, what you feed, what medium you are growing in, what pH (if any) do you adjust your nutes to, and any other pertinent information.
.... and I have been nervous not to over feed.
It is a lot easier to end up under-feeding a plant in a pot of soil than most of us realize when we are still starting off.

I will step that up.
The info from the questions that @Sueet mentions will help pinpoint which nutrient most likely needs to be increased and why. That will help this plant and will really help the next time around.
As a seedling n11, p40, k13
in veg stage n19, p5, k20
in flowering n16, p6, k30
Once in the last two weeks I plan on adding a n0, p27, k27
As a seedling n11, p40, k13
in veg stage n19, p5, k20
in flowering n16, p6, k30
Once in the last two weeks I plan on adding a n0, p27, k27
Pertinent info so what is the dose of each of those and how often.

Most of the time the numbers would be a lot lower if there is a frequent feeding schedule. For the most part I see a nutrient deficiency in the leaves on your plant and it will spread as the plant demands more in order to keep building the flower buds. But with percentages like you have shown there should not be any shortage.

Maybe a photograph of the package or bottle of the fertilizers will help. As an example I have to think that an NPK of 11-40-13 for seedlings is going to burn them within days.
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