420 Member
I have 3 Swiss cheese plants and 5 ak's. The Swiss cheese plants look great except there are yellow veins showing up. Now I've seen this before and didn't know why it was and now I still don't know what it is. So the pictures show what's going on. They're in fox farm ocean based potting mix and are week 4 of bloom. It was transplanted 2 weeks before I switched them to flower so I haven't even began feeding them yet. The AK's are fine. No sign of yellow veins anywhere but all 3 Swiss cheese plants have it. I lied I did feed a very light mix of 10-52-10 last week but other than that what is this. I seriously would like a definitive answer like what can I give my Swiss plants that will stop this from happening. These are cloned plants and the first ones didn't do this and they were planted in the same medium as the last ones. Please don't answer with anti informative info. I've been doing this a while. The pH is fine. The nutes I use are fine. I just need to know what to give them to stop this. Because from here its just going to get worse. The yellowing gets worse. Help