What is happening to my leaves?


New Member
Started flowering stage about 2 weeks ago. Ph, temperature, humidity, light all controlled. Budding at the top and all of this is only happening at the bottom of the plant moving up. Added nutes with K booster but I'm not sure if thats actually the cause.





Started flowering stage about 2 weeks ago. Ph, temperature, humidity, light all controlled. Budding at the top and all of this is only happening at the bottom of the plant moving up. Added nutes with K booster but I'm not sure if thats actually the cause.





Good morning @natalie0529 hope your having a good day.
Sorry about your lady.
Welcome to 420magazine. :welcome:
We need a few details.
Are you in soil?
What are you feeding?
Ph? Strength? Are you following a schedule?
Temps , rh controlled but what are they?
Let us know anything relivent aswell.
Talk soon.

Stay safe :cheesygrinsmiley:
Welcome to the group. There are people here who grow with the many different methods so as they find out about the thread they should be able to help.

After reviewing a leaf problem chart it could be a Sulfur deficiency. It does look like an interesting problem but some of the more experienced growers should be able to help.

What I see is a problem showing on the new growth and not on the already existing leaves. You mention that it is near the bottom and the top is OK for now. That is one of the indications that the problem could be with one of the 'mobile nutrients'.

A suggestion is to provide two more photos. One showing the entire plant and the pot from the side. This will help give an idea of the progression from bottom to top. It also give an idea of the general overall health of the plant. And, a second photo showing the top and the beginning of the flower buds.

Turn off the red grow lights and use a regular white light. Even though the flash fired it was not enough to get rid of the red and I do not think that the colors we are seeing are not what you are seeing and not what is actually there.

And the group is going to need to know some basics. Mention if you are growing in a natural soil or an artificial soil mix like coco coir. Let us know the fertilizers you are using or if you are not using any. And water...are you checking the water pH and does it match the type of soil or soil-less mix in the pot.
My 100 percent unedumacated guess would be something toxic got into the pot or your feed mix.

There's no way in my mind that it's a deficiency, I just can't believe that our food would be that void of any nutrient, maybe on the weak side but not void completely.

This just looks too serious to be a simple deficiency. OTOH I ain't no expert by a long shot.
My 100 percent unedumacated guess would be something toxic got into the pot or your feed mix.

There's no way in my mind that it's a deficiency, I just can't believe that our food would be that void of any nutrient, maybe on the weak side but not void completely.

This just looks too serious to be a simple deficiency. OTOH I ain't no expert by a long shot.
“Unedumacated” made me chuckle. Can I steal that cause that just about sums me up?
@natalie0529 don’t fret. The fine growers here will get you lined out!

Good morning @natalie0529 hope your having a good day.
Sorry about your lady.
Welcome to 420magazine. :welcome:
We need a few details.
Are you in soil?
What are you feeding?
Ph? Strength? Are you following a schedule?
Temps , rh controlled but what are they?
Let us know anything relivent aswell.
Talk soon.

Stay safe :cheesygrinsmiley:
1. yes it is in soil. We are using FoxFarm Ocean Forest potting soil. Its in a 3.5 gallon pot.
2. during veg we were giving it FoxFarm grow big, now that it is in flowering we are using Hawaiian Bud & Bloom. Its been in flower for about 2 weeks and we just did a nutrient cycle in the water yesterday. We have a second plant that went into flower a week after the first one. It now looks like its also starting to do the same thing as the first plant.
3. water pH has been - 6.5 , soil pH has been 5.8-6.5, Bud & Bloom nutrients added to the water requires using a lot of pH up in order to get nutrient water mix into proper range. When watering we have been saturating soil until the water starts to drain through to the pan below and then using a mister to spray the foliage. Nutes have been given 1x per week and we are watering 2-3x per week depending on stage. We utilized indoor lights and natural sunlight during the veg phase and then when we went to flower stage we kept the plant in its grow box with artificial lights, no more moving it outside.
4. Temp is consistently about 75 degrees and 45-55% humidity. We've been very careful about light times, darkness and temp/humidity levels. There is a fan on in the grow box.
5. Water pH is 6.5 and I'm not sure what you mean by "does it match the type of soil mix in the pot". If you mean is the water we use the same pH as the soil already is then yes those two are always within a few points of each other.
My 100 percent unedumacated guess would be something toxic got into the pot or your feed mix.
Possible. The thing that concerns me is that it looks like it is only affecting the newer growth. Hopefully does not spread to the top where the buds are forming or it could become serious.
1. yes it is in soil. We are using FoxFarm Ocean Forest potting soil. Its in a 3.5 gallon pot.
2. during veg we were giving it FoxFarm grow big, now that it is in flowering we are using Hawaiian Bud & Bloom. Its been in flower for about 2 weeks and we just did a nutrient cycle in the water yesterday. We have a second plant that went into flower a week after the first one. It now looks like its also starting to do the same thing as the first plant.
3. water pH has been - 6.5 , soil pH has been 5.8-6.5, Bud & Bloom nutrients added to the water requires using a lot of pH up in order to get nutrient water mix into proper range. When watering we have been saturating soil until the water starts to drain through to the pan below and then using a mister to spray the foliage. Nutes have been given 1x per week and we are watering 2-3x per week depending on stage. We utilized indoor lights and natural sunlight during the veg phase and then when we went to flower stage we kept the plant in its grow box with artificial lights, no more moving it outside.
4. Temp is consistently about 75 degrees and 45-55% humidity. We've been very careful about light times, darkness and temp/humidity levels. There is a fan on in the grow box.
5. Water pH is 6.5 and I'm not sure what you mean by "does it match the type of soil mix in the pot". If you mean is the water we use the same pH as the soil already is then yes those two are always within a few points of each other.
What are you spraying the foliage with?
Are you doing it at lights out?
Or lights on?
If that sits on the leaves under intense led's it can cook the leaves!!
Can that be your problem? ;)

Also being outside could have let her pick up something unknown?
Pests ? Contamination ? Your neighbors Tom Cat ? :rofl:

Stay safe
Guys, I may be late here, but I've tried Fox Farm Ocean Forest twice, two different bags from two different nurseries. I'm on the east coast, and the two batches of soil I used were pure poison. I won't touch Ocean Forest again. My plants grew strong and healthy in Happy Frog, no problems.

The folks at the nursery tried to warn me about Ocean Forest too... I should have listened.

First pic, Ocean Forest. Second Happy Frog. (same strain, same everything other than soil)


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