What is a HIGH?

King Bongmaster

New Member
What is A High A person may ask
well describing a high is no simple task
Its incandescent images moving with sound
elusively swaying and dancing around
culminating into a invisible glow
smoothing the edges off the things that you know
the perception of sensations begin to elevate
then happiness overwhelms anger and hate
tranquility sets in
with subtle wonder and awe
as the world gets brighter
you take in it all
intricate sparks of emotion
fill your mind unseen
things become humorous
and luminous lights start to gleam
It's like heat without warmth
from your head on down
its like dizziness
without the sense of spinning around
laughter and fun
become embodied as one
and harnessed to the mind of your soul
amplifying the stream of your consciousness flow
symptoms set in
like hunger thirst and red eyes
a desire to go and socialize
a high is placid your content when you have it
being high is placid your content when you have it
being high is a beautiful habit
you should copyright this shit
someone might take it and use it
gr8 poem...

liked the heat without the warmth part too...

Slayer Big Blunt Smoke It
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