What have I grown?


New Member
hello all! I hope I am posting this is the correct forum, please forgive me if I am not... I started my grow with two seeds and got a male and female plant. The female is now curing, and the male was transplanted outside about two months ago so I went and checked on him today. This is what he looks like:


the buds look wonderful! Do all males bud like this? I know the males have less THC than the females and I only kept the plant because I was planning on making hash. Here's a close up of what I've been thinking was the male plant parts the entire time:


and a view from the top because is looks so damn pretty! :yummy:

this is my first successful grow so I am pretty new at this. Will these buds be as potent as the female's?
well thats definatly a girl 100% (see how sexy it is):cheer: i had a pretty close look and couldnt see any flowers. but if you thought that was a male................. whats curing in the cupboard? if it looks anything like this one it should be good.
looks nice though. was it cold where u live?:cool:
ps. put a shitload of ash from your fireplace around it and take the real big leaves off
haha thanks guys! I really thought it was a male because of the seed-pod looking things. I will break one off and take a closer look at it tomorrow. The plants were started at the same time, with one indoors and one outside. The indoor girl matured almost a full month earlier. It's going to be cool to compare harvests!! I dont have any pics from the other plant because it was a very small indoor grow, but I can post some of this one when I harvest!

Thanks for the advice rasta2. I'm going to do some trimming tomorrow and luckily have plenty of ask from the fireplace :) Funny, I've had this plant behind my house all summer! this is only the second time i've checked on it.... what an awesome surprise!!

You have to meet my granny ;)

And why removing the big leafs?
It isn't a very sunny spot.
And she need those leafs to catch light for the real big buds
I took the pic in the morning, and the plant is in full sun from about 11am til sundown. I really thought it was a male because it grew so differently from the other girl otherwise I would have planted in full sun and checked on her more.

I feel so silly I was wrong! But still very happy with my little surprise :) I live in PA and we are into fall here so I am hoping that the weather holds out just a little longer. It looks like I am a week or two away from harvest, correct? I got my mircoscope out and the crystals are mostly milky-white and maybe 40% clear white. No amber colors yet.
Update: Lady Gaga, named today by my bf, is now hanging upside down from the rafters in my attic. I was in a slight rush today and just uprooted & strung it up. Is there a difference in curing with the roots still attached?

I am proud to say that I just sampled the first grow and Oh MY God. Two hits in and I can barely type. It tastes delicious! It smells delicious! This is my first taste of homegrown and I am a proud (and very high) mamma. I will post the pictures I took today when I remember where I put my camera :)
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