What happened with my seed? My fault?


Active Member
Starting my second grow. Started these in a shot glass with a solo cup on top and on a warmer pad for about 3 days, only one of them dropped a tap root (which is a nice little seedling now). The other two cracked open enough by day 3 to see the taproot wanting to poke free so I stuck them in the dirt (FFOF). Watered, humidity dome, and sprayed with a mist a couple times a day. The top of my soil always dries out pretty quickly. Day 6 or so since then, one of the two sprouted up. Still had the seed cap on it for 3 days so I just cracked that off. Should be fine now. But nothing from the other. I decided it was long enough to poke around a little bit and found this poor girl. Seed cap was pretty open but no taproot/root formations at all. Brushed her back into what I'm sure is her grave. On to the next one. Thankfully I've always gotten extra seeds of whatever I've bought from Mephisto.
Anyone wanna take a stab on what I might have done to cause this or any tips to my process? I've had a decent germination rates at 6/7. First grow I did a 24 hr soak, wet papertowels until taproot and planted. Took a different approach this time just to simplify things.

Much thanks! :ganjamon:


Starting my second grow. Started these in a shot glass with a solo cup on top and on a warmer pad for about 3 days, only one of them dropped a tap root (which is a nice little seedling now). The other two cracked open enough by day 3 to see the taproot wanting to poke free so I stuck them in the dirt (FFOF). Watered, humidity dome, and sprayed with a mist a couple times a day. The top of my soil always dries out pretty quickly. Day 6 or so since then, one of the two sprouted up. Still had the seed cap on it for 3 days so I just cracked that off. Should be fine now. But nothing from the other. I decided it was long enough to poke around a little bit and found this poor girl. Seed cap was pretty open but no taproot/root formations at all. Brushed her back into what I'm sure is her grave. On to the next one. Thankfully I've always gotten extra seeds of whatever I've bought from Mephisto.
Anyone wanna take a stab on what I might have done to cause this or any tips to my process? I've had a decent germination rates at 6/7. First grow I did a 24 hr soak, wet papertowels until taproot and planted. Took a different approach this time just to simplify things.

Much thanks! :ganjamon:


One thought I have, Is it a seedling mat that you have? Some of those heating mats get way too hot in spots, and it's a good idea to put a towel between the babies and the mat. Baking the kids during germination and very early growth is what some of those mats do, if they don't have a temperature controller on them.
Other than that, I'll wait for others to give their ideas.
I was leaning more towards "the circle of life" haha And yes, it's a Vivosun heat mat. Supposed to warm 10-20 f above ambient temp. Definitely doesn't feel like it ever gets too warm. Thanks for the quick input!
I had the same problem when I used ocean forest I don't think it brunt the seed but they looked exactly like yours does. my other seeds came up with a great harvest. Now when I do use fox farm soil I put ocean forest half way up the bag and happy frog for the top half and it works better I think anyway. then you shouldn't have to feed her till around week 6 I'm new at growing too and this community helped me and answered ever question I had good luck
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