What does this stuff look like?

Garden Grove

New Member
Just wondering what some of you think this looks like. I picked it up from one of my guys for a Nintendo Wii that I don't play anymore. It smells like some fire, but the look isn't there. Its a pretty decent high but I don't think its dro or kush. Tell me what you think it is please. He gave me a whole zip of it too.


Hmm, how are all the other pics on the forum so clear? But it smells decent, thats what's getting me. I usually smoke the best shit around me but this was just kinda given, so I'm taking it and smoking it all!

Thanks for replies!
yeah, I'd say thats schwag....that single bud looks too dark.....still plenty of nitrogen in those leaves......it may smell alright......but, I bet it tastes like shit.
Oh my god I laughed so hard at that first picture! :laughtwo:

+Rep. just for making me laugh! :peace:
Increase lighting. Make sure you're at least 3 feet away from it with your lens. Push the picture button slightly to see if it will auto-focus for you. White background will help us see edge detail. Take another picture because it is SO dark in there!
You guys kill me lol !

Not everyone lives in cali or BC so ya pretty much get what ya get (or take ) if anyone lives in the metro detroit area who can get better hit me up all i get is regs or some decent mids.

haha good one, but really man i dont think we mean to make fun of you or anything but i think you have to be a lil bit more smart when it comes to MJ, if all you wanted was a zip of some regg you could of asked me i wouldnt have minded getting a wii for it, i bet the person who gave it to you prob ended up selling the wii for a good 2 bills and got them selves some real dro, thats how the hustle goes with these hustlers these days
Looks to be some mid grade stuff so it might be the best that was avalable .

I live in the metro detroit area and i never find anything better than mid once in a great while i might get some BC bud but its usually just mids or shwag.
detroit eh? You'd think being close to Canada you find some better nugs. I went thru detroit once, I hated it. Does that bag get you high?
detroit eh? You'd think being close to Canada you find some better nugs. I went thru detroit once, I hated it. Does that bag get you high?

Since 9/11 the detroit windser border crossing has been tight hell they wont even let me cross the border to gamble for two non violent felonies from the 80s. I just take what i can get hopefully one of these days after im carded ill find a solid source of kush or AK .:grinjoint:
Wow this is an old thread. I'm guessing that the herb is history.
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