What does a pollinated bud look like?

Well,I'm going to show you-a lot of you know,but some newer folks may not.

The pollen has been sitting in a pill bottle in my sock drawer (that's where everyone keeps their cannabis stuff,right?)
for about 5 years,with one of those silica gel packets in it to keep it dry.

I pollinated this one little bud yesterday morning:

Before pollination:


24 hours after pollination:


The pistils have done their job,so they're fixin to die.
Good job documenting this process! I have a few shots of what happens in this study that I did a few years ago:
It's the "good karma" associated with clean socks:),my seeds live in there,too-all in this box from Grandma's house...I've had it since I was a kid,and it was old then...


@Magicdvdfarm might like the seed storage container;)
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