I am assuming what your asking is .... If I post a picture here will the coppers be knocking at my door with a picture of my garden with a paddy wagon down on the street to haul me away. Well that depends, if you post a picture of your garden while holding a sign that gives your name, address and a signed confession saying, "Hello I live at 669 Baker Street in Rosebud, Montana and I grow illegal drugs and sell them to kindergarteners when I am not busy making Meth in my Meth lab in the basement." Yeah that may cause you some regrets.
If you post pictures of just your plants and your grow area, well that plant could be ANY plant on the planet, heck as far as the coppers know it could be a picture you downloaded off the internet. Just keep anything personal that can identify you from the other 7 billion people on this planet out of the picture. Things like your drivers license, bills to your home with the mailing address posted on them. family photos of you the wife and kids at your company picnic in front of the company banner, yes those kinds of photos or things inside of any photo you post would be bad choices.
Here is another way to look at it and I will use an American presidential candidate to prove my point. Donald Trump can claim he has BIG hands which he wants to imply means he has a big penis, but until he shows a picture of himself exposing his big penis like say, Anthony Weenier did, it is mer speculation and there is no evidence to Donald does or does not have a big penis. Donald could post hundreds of BIG penis pictures but so long as the only thing you saw was the penis itself, there is no physical proof that that penis is HIS penis, even if he claims that they are all his BIG penis.
Coppers or as I prefer to call the "Road Pirates" need proof that the pictures actually yours. Like if it had say a picture of your garden with a big family photo on the back wall of the garden. Now they have proof, but if it is just a plant inside a tent, who is to say you did not download that picture off the internet, then post it. That garden could belong to anyone of the 7 billion people on this planet.
Can the governments crack 420's firewalls and snoop if they wanted to? Well duh, they do all kinds of illegal activities much worse then that, so the answer is most likely yes, but they still have to be able to prove that the picture you posted is of YOUR belongings in order to get a warrant to search and seize so they can use it in court. Without something to go on, be it a family photo, mail in the picture, something to that effect, it is untraceable.
So in closing, keep personal info out of all your pictures and I mean ALL, While I may not be able to read the name and address on your mail sitting on your table next to your pot plant, trust me, the government will be able to. Just use common sense and you will be golden