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The mosquito dunks go in your nutrient waterings/soil, not in the vinegar. the purpose of the mosquito dunks is to provide BTi (a bacteria) that destroys the larvae in the soil. Putting the mosquito dunks in the vinegar will do nothing for the problem... the dunks don't keep the fungus gnats from breeding, but it kills the larvae when they hatch and try to feed. I use a 1/4 of a mosquito dunk every other feeding with organic soil, best way to make sure that they don't come back..
I beg to differ, i had a TERRIBLE issue with fungus gnats. plopped the dunk in cups with the apple cider vinegar/water/sugar and it attracted the gnats to feed, and within 2 weeks my TERRIBLE infestation was gone and never has returned(a year later) terrible i mean the moved into faucets near by too shit was bad. I am speaking from first hand experience and recommendation from the store. And yes when the adults feed on the dunk it makes them sterile.
Not saying you are wrong in the use of them either...but you don't need to put them in your res thats all.
Not disagreeing with you about the apple cider vinagar, it is known to attract the fungus gnats and drown them, however, the mosquito dunks are meant for soil or for standing water that (mosquitos, not fungus gnats) breed in. It attacts the larvea, I am just correcting on what BTi is used for... it may have worked in your apple cider vinigar, but it ALSO should be added to your feedings.
An adult fungus gnat can lay 300or more eggs at once, and once these eggs are laid in your soil... a few weeks later out comes hundreds of fungus gnats, so if you have the BTi (mosquito dunks) in your soil, they the larvae will die before they become adults.. This is what the dunks are for. To break up the life cycle for the fungus gnats.... Cider vinigar and yellow stickys are great for the flying adults, but do nothing for eggs and larvae in the soil.. thats why you want to add the dunks to your feedings... Not disagreeing with ya, but just adding additional info to what there uses are for...
I wont lie, i didnt know that you could break them up in the soil, thats good to know. Could be why it took a couple weeks to kill everything off and not days . Should i come into the issue again my self I will do both, fucking little bastards!
I was thinking the dunks might not be good for your plant and I didn't want to smoke it LOL, good to know though.
Though I would take a fungus gnat infestation to deal with over spider mites any day! LOL THOSE bastards refuse to die i swear.
but I just got done dealing with a PM issue (not fun at all)....