What are your smoking habits?


New Member
Hey all-
I just moved across the country, and haven't been smoking much of anything, which begs the question "Am I a smoker?" even though I love the green, and can't wait for the day to reunite with my lost love. I am interested in defining "normal" smoking behavior, if there is such a thing. Do you smoke schwagg, or the finest bud in the world? Do you smoke often, or on special occasions? What tricks have you learned through smoking that will enhance the smoking experience for the rest of us?

I'll start it off with some observations of my own. I get real fuckin high when I smoke loosely packed blunts, but tightly rolled joints. I get even higher when I mix different strains of cannabis, and alternate between bong, joint, pipe, and blunt as my main weapon of choice.

How about you?


Stikee for president :allgood:
I'm a pretty regular smoker. Mostly everyday though there are some days when I'm too exhausted to smoke or just dont really feel like it. Average for me is pretty much hitting my bong over the course of a few hours. I could make 2 or 3 bowls last for quite a long time and have a good constant high. I only really smoke joints or blunts if I am with other people or if I have an urge to go outside. Also from every bag of weed I buy (I mostly buy 1/2oz at a time) I always save a few grams so that way if I get bored with one type I have a few others to fall back on or if I run out I have an emergency stash.
loose blunts are NASTY...harsh ass hits and some fast ass burning action. gotta roll it up tight. I usually smoke blunts and joints because i dont own a piece...always down to hit a friends bong though...blunts get harsh after a while.

i smoke everyday and used to slang to pay for my habit..now i work. i love smoking in nature by the ocean and then going on little hikes with friends but at the same time you cant beat toking while laying in a nice comfy bed or couch.

i never smoke shwag...i live in a somewhat rich area so there is always dank around..anything else just doesnt do anything for me.
My smoking habit is to go and pack my bowl with weed and smoke it.
Well I smoke everyday. I have for 6 years now, and if someone asks me if I smoke I still get confussed. I usually smoke once or twice a day. I just like to sit back and chill outside somewhere and blaze. Thats my habit.
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