What are these things - weird bug?


New Member
As the title states i have no clue what these little fly things are ans if they are harmful to my plants. There are afew of them in my soil but they are all dead or half dead. What should i do here...? Im super worried.
Some pictures look the same. Hard to tell really... will they harm my seedling? It is just started to grow and these things showed up. Dont want to lose it... :'(
Hmm, I don't think those are fungus gnats, but they could just be immature and lighter colored. I had a problem (just got rid of it by going full hydro), and those little bastards can be a pain to get rid of. Good luck! I used neem oil and hydrogen peroxide flushes, but that didn't seem too effective for me.

Not sure what they are but i used a home and garden spray and dried out the soil dont see anymore so lets pray its over with... what kind of ratio did you use for the hydrogen peroxcide flush? Luckily i am growing only one plant and there are no others in the house so its a contained environment.
I used a mixture of 1 part 3% hydrogen peroxide to 3 parts water (roughly), as I saw it mentioned some time ago. There are pros and cons to this treatment though. If you have any beneficial bacterial/microbes in your soil/medium, you will likely kill a lot of them. The benefits are that it oxygenates your root zone and helps kill larvae/insects living in your medium. So I'd make your decision based on that.

You can also put a layer of sand or diatomaceous earth on the top of your soil, as many types of larvae that are maturing into adults can't make it through and die.
I used a mixture of 1 part 3% hydrogen peroxide to 3 parts water (roughly), as I saw it mentioned some time ago. There are pros and cons to this treatment though. If you have any beneficial bacterial/microbes in your soil/medium, you will likely kill a lot of them. The benefits are that it oxygenates your root zone and helps kill larvae/insects living in your medium. So I'd make your decision based on that.

You can also put a layer of sand or diatomaceous earth on the top of your soil, as many types of larvae that are maturing into adults can't make it through and die.

Thanks bud, everyone here is so helpful :D
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