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Active Member
What’s up with my plant, I planted it about 2 weeks ago and everything was going perfect ( High Humidy, 100% UVA/UVB) it was inside a fish tank, as soon as I transplanted the plant into the grow room(400w ballast, 6inch intake and outside can, 60x60cmx170cm tent) I’m starting to see weird discolouration on my plant and I’m thinking it’s some sort of fungus?

I’m using gold label hydro coco, and shogun coco multipack for the nutrients, I’ve been testing PPM but haven’t done PH yet sadly


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you need to put a few vital deta8ls up so peopke will see what your working with
medium used ?
any feeding?
anything used for transplant ?
how much water ?
light being used and distances ?
will help
they look good from the pics though. nice strong looking leaves and formation
ph is vital mate. the feeds are less important right now as they are still feeding from her coty leaves. water is vital and needs to be in range for her to utilise it best once low strength nutes are introduced.( this needs to be about 4th set of leaves time or very munched coty leaves.) you could be burning them with wrong ph too which will discolour them and lock them out from growing too. coco is is very forgiving and can be flushed easily if ph has been too high. 5.6-5.8 going in amd to a 20% run off. if ppm has risen then you have more nutes built up within the medium that she isnt using yet. this could mean too young to take them or the ph is off.
cannot stress ph enough at this point.
you need to put a few vital deta8ls up so peopke will see what your working with
medium used ?
any feeding?
anything used for transplant ?
how much water ?
light being used and distances ?
will help
they look good from the pics though. nice strong looking leaves and formation
Sorry I made another post somewhere else and forgot about this but I have added the stuff you need
So it’s been a couple days since that’s happened, I’ve flushed the plant with 2.5 litres of deionised water and got nearly 500ml run off with a ppm of like 700-800 way toooo much :| so I’ve stopped feeding nutrients all together. They white/yellow patches that were on the leaves at the start have slowly started to turn back green but I was wondering should I prune them off or just leave them be? A lot of growth has happened aswell


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I could be wrong but I don’t think I am. You are using coco which has no nutrients in it so you need to be giving Nutes with every feeding which I believe should be daily or close to it.. you need to ph your water to 5.8 for coco and it needs food. You are probably starving your plant... I could be wrong but I don’t think I am. I’ve never grown in coco just read about it.
You need to buy a ph meter or test kit ASAP if you’re running coco because there isn’t as much of a buffer as soil
I’ve got my test kit and will start using it daily before feeds, I’ll start on quarter strength nute first, my only issue is because I’ve got such a large pot I need to feed around 2.5-3liters to get 20% run off, I’m worried this will flood the pot. I have also attached the recommended feeding schedule for my Nutes. I haven’t feed here yet so will do that now if you think what I’m doing is ok


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If you are worried about over watering just give less but more frequently until your plants and roots are bigger and they take in more water. Truthfully I haven’t grown in coco so I’m no expert but I’m sure your Nutes are good just give less than recommended. I’d imagine 1/4 is good but it needs to be in the proper ph range or you get nutrient lockout. 5.6-6 is what you want to aim for.
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