My dad lives on the highest point in 3 counties, his well water is imaculate. He can stand in 4+ feet of the water and count the bubbles on the bottom of the pool. I think its because the aquafer follows the land conture but the sediment that travels with it is too heavy to make it all the way up there so he gets the clean water on top while the shit flows the way gravity pulls it. I haven't ever tested PH or anything but it is the cleanest crispest water around, no joke. P420 ordered water, I think it was just purified water cooler stuff and I think I'm going to do the same when I get moved in a month. I can't wait to get set up growing again. Also I know for people to drink flowing water is always good, but I think microbes and shit live in lakes that could be usefull for a plant, all the fish shit and decomposing stuff floating around in the water. I think thats why my moms vegetable garden always flourished with her living on the lake.