Well here's my introduction


Well-Known Member
G'day guys and gals!

I'm not exactly a new member, but I never wrote an introduction when I joined up, so I thought why not!

Anyways, I'm from the south of Tasmania (Australia), 28, well nearly 29, don't have a job, I've been living off a trust fund for my life, but I'm not one of those rich penny pinching snobs, I'm humble, down to earth and really generous to everyone, even complete strangers.
For the last 10 years I battled with opioid addiction and had a really rough dodgy time.

For the last 10 months I've been on the s8 (suboxone) program and it has done wonders for me. The day before I got on it was the last day I ever thought about touching morphine/heroin again.
I've been an absolute fitness freak for the last 2 years, that's really what saved my life to be honest. I go to the gym twice a day most days, never have a rest day lol (hell, I'm walking on a treadmill as I write this). I've got my nutrition dialed in during both bulk/cutting phases.
Current stats: 1 rep max
Deadlift: 190kg
Benchpress: 145kg
Squat: 135kg
Bent over row: 105kg
Military press: 90kg
I'm pretty darn proud of those numbers, they might not mean much to alot of people, but to me they are the reason I strive to be better everyday. Sure, they could be better/heavier and I will get there, but it's a slow process, especially since I'm completely against steroid use! I mean who wants man boobs and a small dick lol :rofl:

I haven't smoked any weed in about 9-10 years, not because I don't enjoy it, I just enjoyed the hard stuff more. I didn't want to jump straight back into it, I wanted at least a year clean, just in case it became a gateway back into other things. I'm in a good place now and I'm trying to get a medical prescription. But I honestly used to love the process of growing and caring for the plants, so I'm really keen to get back into that. Plus I have alot of mates that enjoy it, so it will be good to be able to gift them some, come harvest time 😃

I'll be starting my first grow journal on here in about 2 weeks or less.
I'm just waiting for the weather to improve a bit, plus something is close to happening for this site that I got the ball rolling with, so I'm pretty keen to make that big announcement too!!
At the end of my first journal, come harvest time, I'll be giving a big donation to this site, I think it's around $600 for the maximum membership tier.
Really it's not about the money, it's because I want to give back to this amazing community, for all the great members, advice and friendships that I've built since becoming a member!

Thankyou to those who read this little book about my life 😅
I'm so thankful for the friends I've made already and those to come in the future.
Thankyou so much 420 Magazine!!
Thankyou Rob and Renee for making such an amazing place for us!!
And thankyou to all the moderators that work hard to keep us in check and keep the spam bots at bay!!
Yours truly,
Good morning TT. :ciao:
I'm running out of sunny days as yours are starting. ;)
It'll nice seeing your beautiful scenery while I'm shoveling snow. 🥶
Looking forward to your garden Buddy.
Welcome :thumb:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Good morning TT. :ciao:
I'm running out of sunny days as yours are starting. ;)
It'll nice seeing your beautiful scenery while I'm shoveling snow. 🥶
Looking forward to your garden Buddy.
Welcome :thumb:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Good evening amigo :ciao:
Haha true, but in 6 months you'll have beautiful sunshine again while I'm getting smashed with cold weather 🤣
All that snow shovelling might buff you up a bit 😉
Looking forward to having you along for the ride :thanks:
Good evening amigo :ciao:
Haha true, but in 6 months you'll have beautiful sunshine again while I'm getting smashed with cold weather 🤣
All that snow shovelling might buff you up a bit 😉
Looking forward to having you along for the ride :thanks:
I'd be happy to walk normally let alone get buff. ;)
That's for you young strong guys.
I spend my days trying to work without lifting things.
Not easy in the greenhouse.
But snow is my nemesis, hate it.
When was the last time you had snow?

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
I'd be happy to walk normally let alone get buff. ;)
That's for you young strong guys.
I spend my days trying to work without lifting things.
Not easy in the greenhouse.
But snow is my nemesis, hate it.
When was the last time you had snow?

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
That's true, back problems are the worst.
Even though I am younger and pretty strong, I still suffer from back problems, end up walking around like a half shut pocket knife for a day here and there.
Honestly I think it's snowed here once in the last 30 years.
That's true, back problems are the worst.
Even though I am younger and pretty strong, I still suffer from back problems, end up walking around like a half shut pocket knife for a day here and there.
Honestly I think it's snowed here once in the last 30 years.
Oh that's heaven. :green_heart:30 years without snow.:thumb:
Sorry about your back, I understand. ;)
It can be rough.
Strictly pot to deal with my health issues now.
It's saved me!

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Oh that's heaven. :green_heart:30 years without snow.:thumb:
Sorry about your back, I understand. ;)
It can be rough.
Strictly pot to deal with my health issues now.
It's saved me!

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Snow is no good for a grow my friend! So I am blessed in that regard.
Yeah back problems are no good as you know, but we have our good days and bad days. That's why I train hard, to protect me when I get older 💪
Any idea what strain you are going to grow? A high CBD CBG strain may keep that positive motivation up.

I only get around 2 weeks of real snow shovel weather here. If I have to shovel to go outside my back says we don't need to go out today.
Hey sativa, yeah I'll be growing gorilla glue and moby dick. I've also got blue dream, Jack herer, zkittlez, northern lights and amnesia haze on the way, so I'm not short of choices haha.
I think I'm high on life these days, so there's no shortness of positive vibes my friend!
I would honestly love to experience some real snow from time to time, but we just don't get it 🙃
Welcome to 420 Magazine @TassieTurtleman

What type of growing do you enjoy?
I have been down your way a couple times. Are you close to Hobart Tasmania?
I know you been here for a little while, but here is the introduction to 420 Magazine.

Here's some helpful info: Welcome New Members - Please Read Before Posting

Here is some information if you would like to start a grow journal How to Make a Grow Journal

If you want to see want other growers are doing, here's that link.

This is where you place your grow journal.

Journals in Progress: Current and Ongoing

And, after you have over 50 posts you can vote and enter our contests to win free grow stuff from our sponsors.

420 Contests: Win Cool 420 Prizes

Stay safe, and grow well my friend,

Tok.. :bong:

Also, we now have a Fungi section if you would like to grow mushrooms.
Welcome to 420 Magazine @TassieTurtleman

What type of growing do you enjoy?
I have been down your way a couple times. Are you close to Hobart Tasmania?
I know you been here for a little while, but here is the introduction to 420 Magazine.

Here's some helpful info: Welcome New Members - Please Read Before Posting

Here is some information if you would like to start a grow journal How to Make a Grow Journal

If you want to see want other growers are doing, here's that link.

This is where you place your grow journal.

Journals in Progress: Current and Ongoing

And, after you have over 50 posts you can vote and enter our contests to win free grow stuff from our sponsors.

420 Contests: Win Cool 420 Prizes

Stay safe, and grow well my friend,

Tok.. :bong:

Also, we now have a Fungi section if you would like to grow mushrooms.
Hey Tok,
Mainly only ever done outdoor cultivation in soil, gonna try my hand at coco this time as well, first time doing a guerrilla grow though.
Yeah I'm about a 25minute drive south of Hobart, I think we had a conversation about this not long ago 🤔 well I know I did woth someone, I'm pretty sure it was you amigo.
Cheers for the copy/paste intro 😉😅 muchly appreciated my friend!
A official introduction deserves a official welcome so :welcome: 😁

I took used to baba gym freak in my 20s and it got me off the drink too 👍 I used to squat 120kg for three sets but my bench was only 100kg 1 rep lol 🤷‍♂️ I had to give it up as my shoulders were ruined and still are! But glad you found yourself in the gym 👌
Oh and I used ganja to help with my gym progress as it helped me eat and sleep more 😁 I'm naturally slim so I ate like a pig 🐖 🤣

A official introduction deserves a official welcome so :welcome: 😁

I took used to baba gym freak in my 20s and it got me off the drink too 👍 I used to squat 120kg for three sets but my bench was only 100kg 1 rep lol 🤷‍♂️ I had to give it up as my shoulders were ruined and still are! But glad you found yourself in the gym 👌
Oh and I used ganja to help with my gym progress as it helped me eat and sleep more 😁 I'm naturally slim so I ate like a pig 🐖 🤣

Hey Greenvein! Great to meet you properly amigo :ciao:
Glad to see a fellow gym junkie, even if you don't go so much anymore. You know, it's never too late to get back into it, even with the messed up shoulders, you could benefit from some physiotherapy and remedial work 😉 just sayin.
A 120 squat is really good man 100kg bench is a great achievement too, especially if you were only a skinny dude!
Thanks man, honestly, I'd be lost without the gym now 💪
I'm the same as you, good genetics, could have a whole week bender on beers, pizza, junkfood, hell probably even a whole month, still have a 6 pack at the end lol. Yeah guys like us have to smash heaps of food to get anywhere, I know exactly what you mean there 💯 👌
I'm looking forward to getting the munchies and eating more 🤭
Hey Greenvein! Great to meet you properly amigo :ciao:
Glad to see a fellow gym junkie, even if you don't go so much anymore. You know, it's never too late to get back into it, even with the messed up shoulders, you could benefit from some physiotherapy and remedial work 😉 just sayin.
A 120 squat is really good man 100kg bench is a great achievement too, especially if you were only a skinny dude!
Thanks man, honestly, I'd be lost without the gym now 💪
I'm the same as you, good genetics, could have a whole week bender on beers, pizza, junkfood, hell probably even a whole month, still have a 6 pack at the end lol. Yeah guys like us have to smash heaps of food to get anywhere, I know exactly what you mean there 💯 👌
I'm looking forward to getting the munchies and eating more 🤭
Thanks for the encouragement bro you keep killing it! 💪 I cycle and jog when I get the time as our gyms are crazily overcrowded it puts me off.
Here's to the munchies :ganjamon: :ganjamon: 🤣
I didn't see any greenery in your introduction 🤔😂
Thanks for the encouragement bro you keep killing it! 💪 I cycle and jog when I get the time as our gyms are crazily overcrowded it puts me off.
Here's to the munchies :ganjamon: :ganjamon: 🤣
I didn't see any greenery in your introduction 🤔😂
No worries, I'm always willing to support the gym goers! Cardio is great, keep it up man 👍 gyms are overcrowded these days, it put me off at first too, but I realised everyone has their wireless headbuds in and are doing their own thing, so I just do the same 🙃
Munchies for the win 🏆 :headbanger:
Yeah I haven't grown anything for about 8 years, but I'll start a journal in the next couple weeks once I've got everything ready, get ready to see a sea of greenery 💚 😁
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