Well here we are topped re-potted and ready for flower in 2 weeks


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone looking to fill this room with these little ones i had a few nute prob with these early on but there responding well,since being topped,but slow untill a week ago,ph is spot on now,temp and humidity have been good the whole time no bugs atm

Flower room size
1.4m length 1.8m high and 1 m deep
Soil grow been in veg for 4 or so weeks
All have been topped at diffrent stages as they recovered apart from two which will be topped
Pot size 14.5 ltr
Using good aussie nutes,p,k 20/20/20
Lights led,6x30 w cri 90 led lights,3×50wat screw in ful spec
600 w visparspectra,1x100 watt cf grow cob


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Looking good Greena nothin' but a bunch of fun eh? I love my vipars and the like I wish they didn't work so good, I can't justify money on white light! Cheers mate, gl to your grow! :yahoo:
Little update havent flipped yet just done a heap of training,got a shitload of new growth comming up
Also the seedlinging will be progressively added as one finishes


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The sativa thing in the corner is healthy as its just been toped and bent down if i hadnt of done this to it fuk id be in trouble with height,id say it would be around 4ft if i didnt tie it down and twist it up
Three flowering are the girls from the original photo the rest were dirty males and all the new ones are 3 weeks from seed and one day into flower so im hoping for 8 fems all up and about 4 weeks between my harvests,but knowing my luck they will all end up fem and a few will have to go outside


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