Hello, just created a profile at this (of what I've seen so far) excellent site! First I was just snooking around for LED info. And when I, 10 hours later, found myself still reading the forum I figured it was the right thing to to! Also I learned that 10 hours of looking at journals and stuff while makes your eyes very red!
Me, I'm 29yrs old, from Norway. I have not gown anything myself yet but that will change soon. I've been smoking for about 10yrs now. Mostly hashish. Weed is kinda hard to get up here so the logical step is growing it myself. Just have lots of to do! At first I smoked just because it so dmn nice. But after some yrs I got a neck injury (not smoking related) and found out that the magic of MaryJane also worked as a good painreleaf aswell!
Anyway, tnx for the excellent tips and journals. Keep 'em comeing! Looking forward to posting a journal in the future!
Me, I'm 29yrs old, from Norway. I have not gown anything myself yet but that will change soon. I've been smoking for about 10yrs now. Mostly hashish. Weed is kinda hard to get up here so the logical step is growing it myself. Just have lots of to do! At first I smoked just because it so dmn nice. But after some yrs I got a neck injury (not smoking related) and found out that the magic of MaryJane also worked as a good painreleaf aswell!
Anyway, tnx for the excellent tips and journals. Keep 'em comeing! Looking forward to posting a journal in the future!