Welcome Back Marijuana!


Well-Known Member
I took my Army drug test friday afternoon and I've been smoking ever since.

It's been a long time, mary jane... I've missed you.
Congrats man.
Blaze some fatties and enjoy the free time you have before you actually have to report in.

Good luck with the army stuff too. :)
Gee that went by fast... well at least for me ;)

Now there are probably a few debates that need your attendance. Havatter.
Damn happyto hear it OG. Patience is a virtue, but you can't roll virtue up in a fattie.
Give your lungs some heavy workout....they've probably gotten flabby from misuse.
and she missed you too my friend, everytime i would roll up a blunt, right before i sealed it, i would here whispers, "when is he coming back", lol, just playin, but good to have you back on the green team
damn... you got high as hell im guessing?
I have a shit load of bud ToG we need to smoke together like old times, like we used to in elementry...
wb OG I bet that first joint was damn good, would you recommend taking a break or meh? And congrats on getting into the army so far, hopfully you don't have to go to war and end up dead, that'd hurt alot of people and I'd have to deal with the constant new threads about you =P lol
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