Weird leaves and new mutations


Active Member
So I've been growing this plant for about 3 weeks and a day. It is a blueberry indica from crap king seeds.

I'm using aoiless mix and my nutes I'm using or have on hand is a A/B veg from Green earth, I also have resin, and massive from the same company. I have Cal/mag and bloom A/B from GH (General hydroponics)

My light cycle is veg 20/4 everyday. Fan on low and have a fresh air source right beside (1 ft. Away) from intake.

I have only grown this particular plant for going on 3 weeks and the first, was distilled store bought jug of water with 0.5-0.4ml of Cal/mag.
The last two feedings I've given the girl 1ml A/B veg and 1ml of Cal/mag per one full gallon of distilled water.

Throughout it's life this far it has been growing these weird wavy leaves. I've been searching the internet, trying to find answer to this wonder. I've found a millions answers that stem from the same problems which honestly makes growing weed super touchy as you really can't pin point a specific problem and instead are left with more questions if anything.

So again no visual signs so I have to believe that it's something underground? But I test my pH and everything seems fine. So I read that sometimes when a plant is super healthy and growing vigourously, the plant can exhibit form of stretching in the leaves from the plant growing faster then it would normally without help from nutrients and such. Is this look to any experienced growing the type of symptom that would accompany this kind of deformations?

The next thing I noticed was the fact that it's about three nodes high and the forth new set has produced a thriple set of leaves. ( Instead of two leaves growing from the top there's three leaves).

So now I'm truly under the impression that maybe it's growth speed since now it's producing three leaves instead of the two, when it hasn't done that until now.

Anyways I just don't want to hurt the little thing trying to mess with phs and such. I just want the leaves to be straight like I'm use to. Or is this just part of the plants personality? It's genetics and I'll have to see this throughout the grow. Cause my OCD side is really getting triggered when I look at her. So any help is appreciated.

Thanks gents and Dame's,


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looks completely normal to my abbey normal eyes,,
I got seeds from CKS once and grew out 2x from the same batch and they were totally different plants. There is a lot to be said for good genetics. That said, it looks too early to worry about her...she is still stretching her legs. That pot, however, might cramp her growth.

I just transplanted about two weeks ago. From a seedling 1x1x2. Sorry should've mentioned that in my information lol. But in a week it went from seed to out grown the starter pot so I couldn't tell you. I will say it had some real healthy, bright white roots when I quickly looked at them. The roots didn't seem bound yet at that time, it had only taken over about half the 1x1x2 starter propagation pot.
I just transplanted about two weeks ago. From a seedling 1x1x2. Sorry should've mentioned that in my information lol. But in a week it went from seed to out grown the starter pot so I couldn't tell you. I will say it had some real healthy, bright white roots when I quickly looked at them. The roots didn't seem bound yet at that time, it had only taken over about half the 1x1x2 starter propagation pot.
I actually meant moving might be tight.
You think that it could've taken over the pot already? I will take a look once the soil dries out a bit more. The only reason I don't think it has is because of how often I water the plant. I usually have only needed to water about once week. Thinking if it had taken over the pot, wouldn't it be drinking more then that?
You think that it could've taken over the pot already?
No way...I meant 4-6 weeks. Bigger pots, generally speaking, yield bigger plants. You can easily grow in that pot but that plant could also easily fill a pot 2-4x as big.

Thinking if it had taken over the pot, wouldn't it be drinking more then that?
Currently it is a small plant with a growing root system, so the amount of water it uses will be much less. In 2-4 weeks it will grow exponentially and consume as much water. The rule of thumb is grow the root ball (in veg) so the root ball can feed the flower. :)
Yeah I've been planning on root training all the way through until flower. I plan on moving it into a 1 gallon next, then three, then 5 and I might settle there or I might move it to a 7 two weeks before I start flowering. The only thing that really is getting to me is the deformations on the leaves. It's driving me nuts the more I look at it, it almost seems worse Everytime. And now it's growing three separate leaves out of the top, worries me even more.
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