Weed and Chemistry


New Member
I may sound like a nerd like this but i see it as being a smart stoner. Im highly intrsted in chemistry and weed. Does anyone know the chemicle that marijuana gives off or what chemicle itself is. I figure if i know that I could find another chemicle to react with the weed and possibly make it...better?! haha yeah...im serious
THC, smoke it, get high.
Yeah dude. Ok there is many many cannabonids. Those are the chemicals that get you a marijuana effect. Out of thousands the bigger ones are THC CBD CBN and alot more. There are a few thing that will streghten the effects. Vitemin b-6 will make for a stronger effect. There are a few others that will do the same. Get some v6b and some 5-htp from the gnc store and that will make seritonin in your system and enhance the efects of cannabis.
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